Description Of The Manual; Introduction; Purpose Of The Manual; Update Procedure - Rovatti Pompe SL Serie Manual De Uso Y Mantenimiento

Pompe centrifughe per liquami
Slurry centrifugal pumps
Pompes centrifuges pour liquides chargés
Kreiselpumpen für Gülle
Bombas centrífugas para aguas residuales
- Single-stage pump with overgear TL series;
- Single-stage pump with overgear and chopper cone TLK series;
warranty it's important to inform the manufacturer of all characteristic data.
Pump type
Serial number
Capacity range
Absorbed power

Description of the manual



The good functioning of the product, its reliability and life depend on the severe respect of the present prescriptions by the installer and the end
user. Read carefully and take note of prescriptions, suggestions and indications necessary for a correct use.

Purpose of the manual

correct use of the product in order to maintain unchanged during the time the characteristics, the functionality and the quality of the product.
The instructions for use contained in the present manual refer to products in standard execution and functioning in normal conditions; therefore,
for the use of a pump-motor unit, the present instructions must be integrated with the documentation provided with the motor/engine. Keep this
manual and any eventual further documentation in a suitable place easy to be reached by the operators when necessary.

Update procedure

the new version is attached to the sold product and from that moment the old version is no longer valid.
Rovatti A. & Figli Pompe S.p.a.
42042 Fabbrico (Reggio Emilia) - Italy
Tel. +39 0522 66 50 00
Fax + 39 0522 66 50 20
SL series;
SLK series;
SLKC series;
SD series;
TLKC series.
Rovatti A. & Figli Pompe s.p.a. without prior notice. When the manual is updated,
Manuale d'uso e manutenzione
Instructions for use and maintenance
Manuel d'utilisation et d'entretien
Betriebs-und Wartungsanleitung
Manual de uso y mantenimiento
) reporting the characteristic data. In case of request for
Reference speed
Head range
Manufacturing year