Water purifying system by means of microfiltration.
This water filtration system provides a reduction in aerobial mesofilic bacteria organisms and the bacteria of
total coliforms by mechanical means. The system is tested to NOM-244-SSA1-2008 by a third party labora-
tory authorized by COFEPRIS. It also filters fine particles, reduces unwanted taste and odors. The life of
this system has been improved by a sediment pre-filter with a nominal grade of 10 microns.
This system provides easy installation and is designed to provide water of the best quality.
Please refer to Figure 1.
Lifespan and Production Capacity in Liters
• This system has been evaluated according to the Official Mexican Norm NOM-244-SSA1-2008 for the
efficiency of reducing bacteria by a total of 35,000 gallons (132,000 liters) to a maximum flow of 3.17 gpm
(12 L/min) by mechanical means. The production of water will depend on the pressure and and properties
of the water supplied. The maximum flow rate of treated water that this equipment can process is 3.17
gpm (12 L/min.)
• Pre-filter for sediment reduction: We recommend that you replace the sediment pre-filter at the same time
as the filter for bacteria reduction (if the intention is to use it in this system) or when sediment has penetrated
to the inner core of the cartridge. It is not recommended to exceed one year to replace it.
• Filter for bacteria reduction (microfiltration): It is recommended that you change the filter to reduce bacteria
under a preventive maintenance schedule of six months to a year or when the water flow is reduced. It is
not recommended to exceed one year to replace it.
Operating Conditions
• Dynamic Operating Pressure: 10-125 psi (0.7-8.6 bar)
• Static Operating Pressure: 100 psi (6.9 bar)
• Operating Temperature: 35-100°F (2-38°C)
• Maximum Flow Rate: 3.17 gpm (12 L/min)
• Water Inlet Connection: 3/8 inches O.D.
• Water Outlet Connection: 3/8 inches O.D.
Restrictions to Consider in Reference to Characteristics in the Water Quality
• For use with public water supply only.
• It is recommended that the filtration system be installed with public water supply that does not exceed the following parameters:
* Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): <1000 PPM (0-1000 mg/L)
* Total Hardness: <500 PPM (0-500 mg/L)
* pH: 6.5 - 8.5
* Free Residual Chlorine: 0.2-1.5 PPM (0.2-1.5 mg/L)
* Chlorides: <250 PPM (<250 mg/L)
* Turbidity: <5 NTU
* Iron: <0.30 PPM (<0.30 mg/L)
NOTE: The system may be affected in its efficiency if operating conditions exceed recommended limits for water quality and operating conditions.
User Manual
Water Filtration System
ELKAY Brand model WSP35000
Page 1
Figure 1
Water Filtration System model
Elkay P/N: 1000003656 (Rev. B - 05/17)
Pentair P/N: EV314893 (Rev. B - 05/17)
EPA Est. No. 002623-IL-002