Final commissioning, 8-35
Framing, direct digital or fiber optic, 2-6
Frequencies, sub-normal, 3-1
Front panel, display module, 9-8
component locator drawing, 9-26
interfacing with display controller, 9-5
parts list, 9-25
schematic, 9-27
keypad, 6-4
system backup, 4-7
Fuse replacement, 28-5
G.703 interface I/O, 23-1
description, 23-1
controls and indicators, 23-1
theory of operation, 23-3
Glossary of terms, 30-1
bias, 4-5
delay, 4-5
fault detector, 4-7
fault, high-resistance, 3-5
overcurrent backup, 4-8
Guidelines, setting, 4-1
High-resistance ground fault, 3-4
High-speed tripping, ultra, 3-9
Hot standby signal routing diagram, 17-9
Hot standby two-channel 56/64-Kbps operation, 2-5
Hot standby two-channel direct digital operation, 13-5
Hot standby two-channel modem operation, 2-5, 13-5
How to arrange for servicing, 28-6
I/O connections, modem, 5-9
Impairment characteristics, channel
direct digital or fiber optic, 2-5
single-channel modem, 2-7
In-rush, transformer, 3-23
Indicators and controls, 6-3
Information, communication, 6-30
Initialization, system, 2-1
Installation, 5-1
Intensity control, display, 4-11
Interboard communications management, 10-3
Internal faults, 8-10
Interface, G.703, 23-1
Inversion, voltage, 3-1
Keypad functions, 6-4
Laboratory acceptance tests
alarm conditions and transmit address alarm, 7-3
backup tripping with high-set overcurrent, 7-17
demonstration of CDC derived from DML, 7-23
demonstration of rainbow characteristic, 7-18
direct transfer trip, 7-4
RFL 9300
December 15, 2002
B e c a u s e R F L ™ a n d H u b b e l l ® h a v e a p o l i c y o f c o n t i n u o u s p r o d u c t i mp r o v e me n t , we r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e d e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s wi t h o u t n o t i c e .
equipment requirements, 7-1
external A-G faults, 7-5
internal A-B faults, 7-12
internal A-G faults with outfeed, 7-22
internal A-G faults, 7-9
internal A-G faults with remote breaker open, 7-16
internal three-phase faults, 7-13
oscillography test, 7-28
other external fault types, 7-6
other internal fault types, 7-13
other internal fault types with rmt bkr open, 7-17
other weak-feed internal fault types, 7-15
system setup, 7-1
test procedures, 7-2
weak-feed internal A-G faults, 7-14
Leaving the programming mode, 6-53
Level control, modem output, 5-9
Line coupler I/O module
component locator drawing, 15-3
controls and indicators, 15-1
description, 15-1
parts list, 15-2
schematic, 15-4
theory of operation, 15-2
series compensated, 3-1
very short, 3-3
Load, tapped, 3-20
Log, sequence of events, viewing, 6-45
Low-side faults, calculations for, 3-22
Main current transformers, saturated, 3-11
Maintenance, 28-1
Maintenance, corrective, 28-6
Management, interboard communications, 10-3
Microcontroller, display controller, 9-4
Microcontroller supervisor, display controller, 9-4
Microwave, modem application, 29-3
Modem application information, 29-1
channel delay limits, 29-6
channel routing vs dependability, 29-3
microwave, radio, and T1 analog channels, 29-3
receiver levels and wiring, 29-1
S/N ratio vs dependability, 29-1
security, 29-3
squelch rules, 29-3
telephone service requirements, 29-3
test turrets, 29-6
transmitter levels and wiring, 29-1
Modem communications, verification, 8-16
Modem module
component locator drawing, 14-8
connections, 5-9
controls and indicators, 14-1
description, 14-1
hot standby two-channel operation, 2-5, 13-5
output level control, 5-9
parts list, 14-6
schematic, 14-9
single-channel operation, 2-4, 13-5
theory of operation, 14-3
Modem security, 29-3
Mode, programming, leaving, 6-53
communications, 4-11
display, 6-14
programming, leaving, 6-53
READ, 6-14, 6-16
RFL Electronics Inc.
(973) 334-3100