WORD, 243–50
XINPUT, 100, 101
XTAL1, 100, 101
XTAL2, 100, 101
XTAL3, 100, 101
Spin, structure of, 38
SPR (spin), 214–15
Square Root '^^', 167
SRC field (asm), 271
Stack space, 82, 87
Starting a new cog, 82, 85, 308
STEP (spin), 201, 204
Stopping a cog, 90, 310
STRCOMP (spin), 217–18
STRING (spin), 219
String comparison, 217
String size, 220
STRSIZE (spin), 220
Structure of Propeller Assembly, 255
Structure of Propeller objects/spin, 38
SUB (asm), 387
SUBABS (asm), 388
SUBS (asm), 389
SUBSX (asm), 390–91
Subtract '-', '-=', 161
SUBX (asm), 392–93
SUMC (asm), 394–95
SUMNC (asm), 396
SUMNZ (asm), 398
SUMZ (asm), 399
Symbol Address '@', 184
Symbol rules, 47
- - (Decrement, pre- or post-), 162
' ' (single-line document comment), 222, 401
- (Negate), 161
' (single-line code comment), 222, 401
! (Bitwise NOT), 177
" (String designator), 107, 221, 400
# (multipurpose), 221, 400
#>, #>= (Limit Minimum), 166
$ (multipurpose), 221, 400
% (Binary indicator), 221, 400
%% (Quaternary indicator), 221, 400
&, &= (Bitwise AND), 175
( ) (parameter list designators), 222
\ (abort trap), 222
**, **= (Multiply, Return High), 164
*, *= (Multiply, Return Low), 164
, (list delimiter), 222
-, -= (Subtract), 161
. (multipurpose), 221
.. (Range indicator), 221
/, /= (Divide), 165
//, //= (Modulus), 165
: (multipurpose), 222
:= (Variable Assignment), 160
? (Random), 170
@ (Symbol Address), 184
@@ (Object Address Plus Symbol), 185
[ ] (array-index designators), 222
^, ^= (Bitwise XOR), 177
^^ (Square Root), 167
_ (multipurpose), 221, 400
{ } (In-line, multi-line code comments), 222,
{{ }} (In-line, multi-line doc comments), 222,
| (local variable separator), 222
|, |= (Bitwise OR), 176
|| (Absolute Value), 167
|< (Bitwise Decode), 171
~ (Sign-Extend 7 or Post-Clear), 167
~~ (Sign-Extend 15 or Post-Set), 168
~>, ~>= (Shift Arithmetic Right), 169
+ (Positive), 161
+ + (Increment, pre- or post-), 163
+, += (Add), 160
<#, <#= (Limit Maximum), 166
<-, <-= (Bitwise Rotate Left), 173
<, <= (Boolean Is Less Than), 182
<<, <<= (Bitwise Shift Left), 172
<>, <>= (Boolean Is Not Equal), 181
= (Constant Assignment), 159
=<, =<= (Boolean Is Equal or Less), 183
==, === (Boolean Is Equal), 181
=>, =>= (Boolean Is Equal or Greater), 184
->, ->= (Bitwise Rotate Right), 174
>, >= (Boolean Is Greater Than), 182
>| (Bitwise Encode), 171
><, ><= (Bitwise Reverse), 174
>>, >>= (Bitwise Shift Right), 172
AND, AND= (Boolean AND), 178
NOT (Boolean), 180
Propeller Manual v1.1 · Page 413