Bytes of main memory, 56, 371, 414, 415, 416
Longs of main memory, 140, 372
Words of main memory, 373
Read-only registers, 23, 305–6
REBOOT (spin), 200
Registers, 266, 305
CNT (asm), 23, 305–6, 374
CNT (spin), 23, 79–80
CTRA, CTRB (asm), 23, 312, 374
CTRA, CTRB (spin), 23, 102–5
DIRA, DIRB (asm), 23, 313–14, 374
DIRA, DIRB (spin), 23, 111–13
FRQA, FRQB (asm), 23, 319, 374
FRQA, FRQB (spin), 23, 119
INA, INB (asm), 23, 325, 374
INA, INB (spin), 23, 128–29
OUTA, OUTB (asm), 23, 363–64, 374
OUTA, OUTB (spin), 23, 187–89
PAR (asm), 23, 365–66, 374
PAR (spin), 23, 190–91
PHSA, PHSB (asm), 23, 367–68, 374
PHSA, PHSB (spin), 23, 192
Read-only, 23, 305–6
VCFG (asm), 23, 374, 406
VCFG (spin), 23, 228–30
VSCL (asm), 23, 374, 407
VSCL (spin), 23, 231–32
Registers, special purpose (table), 23, 374
REPEAT (spin), 201–7
NEXT, 150
QUIT, 199
RES (asm), 376–79
Reserved Words (table), 419
Reserving memory (asm), 376
Reserving memory (spin), 118
Reset (pin), 15
Reset (table), 28
Reset, software, 28
RESn (pin), 15
Common, 26
Mutually exclusive, 22, 24
Shared, 22
RESULT (spin), 208–9
Result variable, 195
RET (asm), 380
RETURN (spin), 210–11
Return value, 195
Return value separator, :, 222
REV (asm), 381
Reverse, Bitwise '><', '><=', 174
ROL (asm), 382
ROM, main (spec), 16
ROR (asm), 383
Rotate Left, Bitwise '<-', '<-=', 173
Rotate Right, Bitwise '->', '->=', 174
ROUND (spin), 212–13
Run-time CALL Procedure (figure), 291
Run-time procedure, 18
SAR (asm), 384
Scope of constants, 96
Scope of object symbols, 153
Scope of variables, 227
Semaphore, 130, 132
Semaphore rules, 133
Set, Post '~~', 168
Shared resources, 22
Shift Arithmetic Right '~>', '~>=', 169
Shift Left, Bitwise '<<', '<<=', 172
Shift Right, Bitwise '>>', '>>=', 172
SHL (asm), 385
SHR (asm), 386
Sign-Extend 15 '~~', 168
Sign-Extend 7 '~', 167
Simple finite loops, 203
Sine table, 34, 426
Single-line code comment, ', 222, 401
Single-line doc comment, ' ', 222, 401
Size of
Byte, 55
Long, 138
Word, 244
Software reset, 28, 200
Source/Sink, current, 15
Special Purpose Registers (table), 23, 214
Propeller Chip, 16
Spin Interpreter, 34
Spin language, 37
_CLKFREQ, 70–71
_CLKMODE, 73–76
Propeller Manual v1.1 · Page 411