buzzer mode. The symbol
2) Connect the test tips with the measuring
points of the circuit to be tested. The multi-
meter is set to a measuring range up to
300 Ω. If the measured resistance is lower
than 20 Ω, the continuity buzzer sounds.
3) By pressing the selector button again, the
multimeter is set to diode testing. If the se-
lector button is pressed twice, the multime-
ter is set back again to resistance meas-
urement without continuity buzzer.
5.4 Diode testing
is dis-
1) Set the rotary switch (5) to position
„Ω •
2) Press the selector switch (3) twice. The
multimeter is set to diode testing. The
3) Connect the test tips with the connections
of the diode. If the diode is measured in
forward direction (the red test lead at the
anode, the black at the cathode), the for-
ward voltage is displayed. If the diode is
measured in reverse direction, OL is dis-
played. In case of a short-circuit of the di-
ode, a value near 0 V is displayed.
4) By pressing the selector button again, the
multimeter is set back again to resistance
measurement without continuity buzzer.
is displayed.