Your digital blood pressure monitor features Irregular
Heartbeat Detection (IHB). If the monitor detects an irregular
heart beat two or more times during the measuring process,
the IHB symbol will appear on the display, Fig. 1. An irregular
heart beat is defined as a rhythm that is either 25% slower
or faster than the average rhythm detected while measuring
systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
NOTE: Please consult with your physician or trained healthcare
professional for further information regarding an irregular
heartbeat if this symbol appears frequently at the end
of a reading.
Fig. 1
If an Irregular Heartbeat caused by common arrhythmias is detected in the process
of the blood pressure measurement, the IHB symbol will be displayed. Under this
condition, the Electronic Sphygmomanometers will function, but the results may
not be accurate and it's suggested that you consult your physician for accurate