Rated voltage Us
Operating voltage range
Power consumption/dissipation
No-voltage release
Immunity time for microbreakings
Recommended fuses
Maximum rated voltage Ue
Measuring range
Frequency range
Measuring method
Measuring input impedance
Wiring mode
Accuracy of measurement
Rated current Ie
Measuring range
Type of input
Measuring method
Overload capacity
Overload peak
Accuracy of measurement
Power consumption
Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.italfarad.com
Technical characteristics
100 - 440V~
110 - 250V=
90 - 484V~
93,5 - 300V=
45 - 66Hz
3.5W – 9.5VA
>= 8ms
<= 25ms
F1A (fast)
Voltage inputs
600VAC L-L (346VAC L-N)
50...720V L-L (415VAC L-N)
True RMS
> 0.55M L-N
> 1,10M L-L
Single-phase, two-phase, three-phase with or without
neutral or balanced three-phase system.
1% ±0,5 digit
Current inputs
1A~ or 5A~
For 5A scale: 0.025 - 6A~
For 1A scale: 0.025 – 1.2A~
Shunt supplied by an external current transformer (low
voltage). Max. 5A
True RMS
+20% Ie
50A for 1 second
± 1% (0,1...1,2In) ±0,5 digit
ITALFARAD S.p.A. via IV novembre n.1 Minerbio Bo Italy