Once you reach the last parameter of the menu, by pressing
you to the submenu selection.
Alternatively, from within the programming, holding
changes and exit directly.
If the user does not press any key for more than 2 minutes, the system leaves the setup
automatically and goes back to normal viewing without saving the changes done on parameters
(like EXIT).
N.B.: a backup copy of the setup data (settings that can be modified using the keyboard) can
be saved in the eeprom memory of the PFC96evo regulator. This data can be restored when
necessary in the work memory. The data backup 'copy' and 'restore' commands can be
found in the Commands menu.
When the CT value is not known and only used at the moment of the installation, the P.01
parameter for CT primary can remain set at OFF while all the others can be programmed.
In this case, during the system installation and once the controller is powered up, the
display will show a flashing CT (Current Transformer). By pressing
primary can be set directly.
Once programmed, press
directly restart in automatic mode.
Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.italfarad.com
select SAVE to save the changes or EXIT to cancel.
Rapid CT setup
to confirm. The unit will store the setting into P.01, and
ITALFARAD S.p.A. via IV novembre n.1 Minerbio Bo Italy
once more will return
for three seconds will save the
the CT