P.37 – P.38 - Start and stop temperature for the cooling fan of the panel, expressed in the
unit set by P.36. The cooling fan is started when the temperature is >= to P.37
and it is stopped when it is < than P.38.
P.39 - Threshold for generation of alarm A08 Panel temperature too high .
P.41 - Maximum voltage alarm threshold, referred to the rated voltage set with P.07, beyond
which the alarm A06 Voltage too high is generated.
P.42 - Undervoltage alarm threshold, referred to the rated voltage set with P.07, below which
the alarm A05 voltage too low is generated.
P.43 - Maximum installation voltage THD alarm threshold, beyond which the alarm A10 THDV
too high is generated.
P.44 – Maximum installation current THD alarm threshold beyond which the alarm A11
Current THD too high is generated.
P.45 – Maintenance interval in hours. When it is elapsed, the alarm A12 Ordinary maintenance
will be generated. The hour count increments as long as the device is powered. (**) If
the controller is installed on the ITALFARAD cabinet
P.46 – Function of the semi-circular bar-graph.
Kvar ins/tot: The bar graph represents the amount of kvar actually inserted, with
reference to the total reactive power installed in the panel.
Curr act/nom: Percentage of actual plant current with reference to the maximum
current of the CT.
Delta kvar: bar graph with central zero. It represts the positive/negative delta -kvar
needed to reach the setpoint, compared to the total kvar installed.
P.47 – Default measure shown on the secondary display. Setting the parameter to ROT, the
different measures will be shown with a sequential rotation.
P.48 – If set to ON, the display backlight flashes in presence of one or more active alarms.
P.49 – Serial (node) address of the communication protocol.
P.50 – Communication port transmission speed.
P.51 – Data format. 7 bit settings can only be used for ASCII protocol.
P.52 – Stop bit number.
P.53 – Select communication protocol.
P.54 - Defines the number of the step (considering the step that has the highest count) beyond
which the maintenance alarm A12 is generated. This parameter should be used as an
alternative to P.45. If both P.45 and P.54 are set to a value other than OFF, then P.45
has priority.
Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.italfarad.com
ITALFARAD S.p.A. via IV novembre n.1 Minerbio Bo Italy