5. 1 Problems , Causes and Solutions
The Milk Shake Mixer Model BMS has been designed to need minimum maintenance.
However, some performance failures may happen due normal wear during the machine lifetime.
If some problem arises with your Milk Shake Mixer, check Table - 02 as follows, where
there are detailed some recommended possible solutions.
Besides, the Company is ready to assist you through your Dealer and the Company Technical
Assistance network.
* Service life – 2 years for regular work shift
* Lack of power, or the
plug is off its socket.
* The machine does
* The cup is not fixed in
the cup holder.
switch on.
* Problem with the
internal or external
electrical circuits of the
* The product volume is
* Product overflow the
a b o v e t h e a l l o w e d
maximum level.
* T h e p r o c e s s e d
* The product volume is
product content inside
u n d e r t h e a l l o w e d
maximum level.
the cup does not mix.
- Do not wear loose fitting clothes while operating the unit. Do not use bracelets or any other piece of jewelry. Have
your hair always shortened and held up (use hair fishnets if necessary) in a way it cannot reach any part of the machine.
Roll up any loose sleeves.
- SKYMSEN is not responsible for any harm or injury caused by the negligent or inappropriate use of this equipment by
any operator. This equipment must be operated only by persons whose age equals or exceeds 18 years old, in a safe and
sound state of mind, free from the influence of any kind of drugs and alcohol, that received proper training and
instructions regarding the correct operation of this machine, that are wearing correct and authorized safety clothes. All
and any kind of modifications carried on and applied to this machine immediately nullifies any kind of warranty and
may result in harm and injuries to the individuals operating this machine and to individuals that are located in the
machine surrounding areas while it is being operated.
- Under no circunstances place your hands in the moving parts of the machine while it is being used. Make sure the
machine has come to a complete stop before acessing the processed ingredients.
TABLE - 02
* Check if the plug is
on its socket., and if
t h e r e i s e l e c t r i c
* Fix the cup in the
cup holder.
Call technical
Fill the cup with
l i q u i d , u p t o t h e
volume of 450ml.
* The minimum liquid
level processed by
the equipment is
100ml volume.
5.1 Problemas, Causas y Soluciones
La Batidora de Milk Shake modelo BMS fue diseñada para que necesite un mínimo de
manutención. Sin embargo pueden ocurrir algunas irregularidades en su funcionamiento, debido
al desgaste natural causado por su uso.
Caso haya algún problema con su maquina, verifique la Tabla - 02 abajo, donde están
indicadas algunas soluciones recomendadas.
* La vida de servicio - 2 años para la jornada de trabajo normal
e l é c t r i c a o e n c h u f e
desconectada de la red
*La Maquina no se
* El vaso no está fijado en
el soporte del vaso.
* Problema en el circuito
elétrico interno o externo
de la maquina.
* El Contenido del Vaso
se Transpasa.
producto está arriba del
nivel máximo permitido.
* El Contenido del Vaso
n o
e s t á
s i e n d o
producto está abajo del
nivel mínimo permitido.
- Do not wear loose fitting clothes while operating the unit. Do not use bracelets or any other piece of jewelry. Have
your hair always shortened and held up (use hair fishnets if necessary) in a way it cannot reach any part of the
machine. Roll up any loose sleeves.
- SKYMSEN is not responsible for any harm or injury caused by the negligent or inappropriate use of this
equipment by any operator. This equipment must be operated only by persons whose age equals or exceeds 18
years old, in a safe and sound state of mind, free from the influence of any kind of drugs and alcohol, that received
proper training and instructions regarding the correct operation of this machine, that are wearing correct and
authorized safety clothes. All and any kind of modifications carried on and applied to this machine immediately
nullifies any kind of warranty and may result in harm and injuries to the individuals operating this machine and to
individuals that are located in the machine surrounding areas while it is being operated.
- Under no circunstances place your hands in the moving parts of the machine while it is being used. Make sure the
machine has come to a complete stop before acessing the processed ingredients.
Tabla - 02
Falta de Energía
Verifique si la
e n c h u f e
conectada al soquete
y si hay energía
eléctrica en la red
Fije el vaso en el
l l a m e a l a
assistencia Técnica.
* Poner en el vaso un
E l v o l u m e n d e
volumen máximo de
líquido de 450ml.
E l v o l u m e n d e
Poner en el vaso
100ml de líquido.
e s t á