Recharging process
Start the recharging
1. Check the charger is available (solid green light on status bar) and that
the EV does not have a charging time schedule.
2. Plug the vehicle into the charging station. The charging station detects
that a vehicle has been plugged into one of its outlets and awaits
activation. The status bar will begin to flash green.
3. Hold your RFID card over the activation area until the confirmation
signal beeps. The vehicle will start to recharge. Remember the status
bar will change to a varying blue light.
Bear in mind that if a mode 3 charging cable is used, you will not be
able to unplug the vehicle while it is recharging as the plug will be
blocked by a security system.
Finalise the recharging
Recharging finishes when the vehicle is fully charged or because you want to
manually interrupt the recharging process.
If you finish recharging when the vehicle is fully charged, the charger will enter
Vehicle connected mode and the status bar will show the solid blue light.
Hold your RFID card over the activation area until the confirmation signal
beeps and the green light starts flashing on the status bar.
For manual mode:
Hold your RFID card over the activation area until the confirmation signal
beeps and the green light starts flashing on the status bar.
Before unplugging, check the plug is not blocked (status bar green).
If there is an error and the plug is blocked, restart the VIARIS CITY before
unplugging, turning the differential down and then back up after 3 seconds.