Electromagnetic immunity
a. The field strength of stationary transmitters
such as base stations for cordless phones and
land mobile radio services, amateur stations, AM
and FM radio and television stations cannot be
precisely predetermined in a theoretical respect.
It is recommended that the location be surveyed
in order to determine the electromagnetic envi-
ronment based on stationary HF transmitters. If
the field strength at the location of the KFT 509
model exceeds the compliance level specified
above, the KFT 509 model must be observed with
respect to normal operation at each application
location. If the device behaves unusually, further
measures may have to be taken, e.g. reorienta-
tion or relocation of the KFT 509 model.
b. Not applicable over a frequency range from
150 kHz to 80 MHz.
Recommended safety clearance between porta-
ble and mobile HF telecommunications devices
and the [DEVICE or SYSTEM].
The KFT 509 model is intended for operation in
an electromagnetic environment where HF dis-
turbances are monitored. The customer or user
of the KFT 509 model can help to avoid electro-
magnetic disturbances by observing the mini-
mum clearance between portable and mobile HF
telecommunication devices (transmitters) and
the KFT 509 model – depending on the output
power of the communication device as discussed