The OXIMISER 601 is a modern charger designed to charge, optimise and prolong the life of a
12-volt automotive battery.
This OXIMISER 601 uses a continuous yet reducing charge current to ensure that the battery
is charged correctly. As the voltage of the battery increases the charge rate reduces. If a load is
applied to the battery, this charger will compensate by automatically increasing the charge current
and thereby maintain the battery condition.
It can be used with most batteries including Maintenance Free and Gel types.
Due to the construction of the smaller automotive battery, they do require more careful charging
and the OXIMISER 601 is ideally suited for this job.
It is ideally suited for charging batteries ranging in size from 4Ah up-to 30Ah. This covers batteries
normally fi tted to scooters, motorcycles, golf trolleys, light aircraft, ride-on lawn mowers and small
cars such as classic and racing cars. Batteries smaller than 4Ah can be charged but only for short
periods and the battery temperature should be monitored during charging and this charger turned
off once the battery is fully charged.
The centre display provides the following information:
• A guide to the battery voltage and charge status
• Notifi cation of a battery that cannot be charged
• Battery connection errors due to reverse polarity connection
This essential piece of garage equipment is designed to be connected to a battery for long periods
of time. However, there are different types of battery construction. If the battery has removable
inspection caps, then regularly ensure that the fl uid levels are above the minimum level. If the
battery is a maintenance free type or is labelled as an AGM or GEL battery then will not have
inspection caps and inspection of the fl uid levels will not be possible or necessary.
Maintaining Your Battery
Winter storage can be hard on batteries. In fact, non-use can leave them unable to hold a charge.
Store your bike in a place that is always warmer than 0°C. If your bike is outside remove the
battery from your bike/vehicle and store it in a location that is always warmer than 0°C. This will
ensure that your battery does not freeze and crack. A battery that is fully charged will have a
longer life and is less likely to freeze during cold winter weather.
If you remove the battery from your bike/vehicle DO NOT store it on a concrete or metal surface,
place the battery on a wood or other non-conductive surface. Batteries stored on concrete or metal
will discharge over time.
Keep your battery maintained with the Oximiser 601 charger. Leave your Oximiser 601 connected
for long periods or if you wish to save mains electricity, charge your battery at least once a month
and then disconnect all leads from the battery.
Before using this battery charger, please ensure that you read the following manual carefully and
follow the guidance given.
Oximiser 601 v.1