Ⅰ. Long press the button, the buzzer will beep three times, and the meter will
turn on after a short startup animation.
Ⅱ. Long press the button, the buzzer will beep three times, and the meter will
turn off after all displays are off.
Ⅲ. In the power-on state, short press the button, the buzzer will beep twice,
the car light icon will light up, and the headlights will turn on.
Ⅳ. In the power-on state, press the button shortly, the buzzer will beep twice,
the car light icon will go out, and the headlights will turn off.
Ⅴ. In the power-on state, double-click the button and the buzzer will beep
once, and the gear will increase by one level, first gear >> second gear >>
third gear >> first gear.
Ⅵ. When an error is found in the self-check of the instrument, the error will be
alarmed and displayed on the main display ①, and when an error is reporte
d, the gear cannot be switched, riding or setting cannot be performed.
E1: Throttle error
E2: Braking error
E3: Motor Hall error
E4: Communication error。
Ⅶ. With Bluetooth, the cruise control and coasting start can be modified through
the APP. The car can be locked through the APP (only unlocked through the APP).