Setting the operating temperature
The temperature in the refrigerator compartment and in the freezer, compartment is
controlled by the temperature controller installed on the right side of the refrigerator
compartment. Turn the thermostat knob to regulate the temperature inside the
refrigerator. The marks on the knob are not the exact number of the degrees of
temperature but the temperature grades from "0" to "5". The first grade corresponds
to a forced STOP of the refrigeration and the 5th grade corresponds to the lowest
temperature the refrigerator can produce. Turn the knob from "1"position to
"5"position, the temperature decreases continuously. Set the thermostat knob to "2-
3"position for a normal use.
Arranging foods inside the refrigerator compartment
How to Use the Refrigerator Compartment?
• Eggs have to be put in the eggs' pockets, bottles in the bottles' pocket, etc.
• Fruits and vegetables have to be put in the salad crisper.
• Jars have to take place in the tubs of the door of the refrigerator.
• Other perishable food, or which can loosen stenches in the refrigerator, must be
separately packed.
Placement of Food
• Please not accumulate too much food in the refrigerator because it would
engender a loss of cold.
• Food has to be wrapped separately in aluminum sheet or in cellophane sheet or
in airtight plastic boxes.
• Hot food cannot be put in the refrigerator or in the freezer until they have
reached the ambient temperature, or it will increase electrical consumption.
• Never place vegetables and fruits into freezer compartment because they will be
unfit for the consumption once defrosted.
Maintenance and Cleaning
1. When the refrigerator working for a period of time, the inner surface of the
refrigerator will be covered with a layer of white frost. It may raise the electricity
consumption and lessen the effect of refrigeration. Then you should remove the
frost at once.
2. When defrosting, turn the knob to "0" position cut off the power, open the door
and move frozen/cooling foods to a shady and cooling place, defrost with a plastic