Sears CRAFTSMAN 247.288820 Manual Del Operador página 16

Amulchkit isavailableasanattachment. M ulchingisa process o f redrculating
grassclippings repeatedly beneath the cuttingdeck.Theultra-fineclippings are
thenforcedbackintothe lawnwherethey actasanaturalfertilizer.
Amulchkit canbepurchased. See the Replacement Parts &Attachments sectionof
thismanual f ormoreinformation.
Usingthe DeckLift Lever
Toraise the cuttingdeck,movethe decklift leverto the left,then placeit inthe
notchbestsuitedfor yourapplication. R efer t o SettingTheCuttingHeightearlierin
thisOperation section.
Tohelp avoidbladecontact orathrown objectinjury,keepbystanders,
[ helpers, c hildren and petsat least 75feet from the machinewhile it isin
[ operation.Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area.
Thefollowinginformation will behelpfulwhen usingthe cuttingdeckwith your
Planyourmowing pattern to avoid dischargeof materialstoward roads,
sidewalks,bystandersandthe like.Also,avoid dischargingmaterial against
awall or obstruction which maycausedischargedmaterialto ricochetback
toward the operator.
ThelampsareON whenever the tractor'sengineisrunning.
Thelampsturn OFF whenthe ignition keyismoved to the STOP p osition.
Donot mowat highgroundspeed, e specially if amulchkit orgrasscollector
Forbestresultsit isrecommended t hat the first two lapsbecutwith the
discharge t hrown towards the center. A fterthe first two laps,reverse the
directionto throwthe discharge to the outside forthe balance ofcutting.
Thiswill givea betterappearance t o the lawn.
Donot cutthe grass too short.Shortgrass invites weedgrowthandyellows
quicklyindry weather.
Mowingshouldalwaysbedonewith the engineat full throttle.
Under heavier c onditionsit maybe necessary to go backoverthe cut areaa
second time to get acleancut.
DoNOT attemptto mowheavybrushandweeds andextremely tallgrass.
Your t ractorisdesigned to mowlawns,NOT clearbrush.
Keep the blades sharpandreplace the bladeswhenworn.Referto Cutting
Blades inthe Service sectionof thismanual f or properbladesharpening

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