Sears CRAFTSMAN 247.288820 Manual Del Operador página 13

Gasand Oil Fill-up
Yourtractorisshippedwith motoroil in the engine.However, you
MUST check the oii levelbefore operating. B ecareful n ot tooverfill.
Forinstructionsonhowto check the engineoil,referto Checking TheEngine Oilin
the Service a ndMaintenance s ectionof thismanual.
Thegasoline tank islocatedunderthe hood.Donotoverfill.
Useextreme carewhen handling gasoline.Gasolineisextremely flammable
andthe vaporsareexplosive.Neverfuel machineindoorsor while the
engine ishotor running. Extinguish c igarettes,cigars,pipes,andother
sources of gnt on.
NOTE: P urchase g asoline in smallquantities. D onot usegasoline left overfromthe
previous season, to minimizegumdeposits inthe fuel system.
Thisengineiscertifiedto operate on unleaded gasoline. F orbestresults, f ill
the fueltank with onlyclean,fresh,unleaded gasoline with apumpsticker
octaneratingof 87or higher.
Gasohol (upto 10%ethyl alcohol, 9 0%unleaded gasoline byvolume)isan
approved fuel. Othergasoline/alcohol blends, s uch asE85, a renotapproved.
MethylTertiaryButylEther(MTBE) andunleaded gasoline blends(upto a
maximum of 15%MTBE byvolume)areapproved fuels.Othergasoline/ether
Fillfueltank outdoors or inwell-ventilated area.
Donot overfillfuel tank.Filltankto nomorethan1/2 inchbelowbottomof
filler neckto allowspace forfuel expansion.
Never r emove gascapor addfuelwhilethe engineis hotor running. A llow
engineto coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling.
If gasoline isspilled, w ipeit off theengineandequipment. M ovemachine to
anotherarea.Wait5 minutes beforestartingthe engine.
ToAdd Gasoline
Turnthe engineoff andletenginecoolat least2minutesbeforeremoving
the fuelcap.The gasoline tank isunderthe rearfender,with thefuel fill cap
located in the centerofthe rearfender. T hefuel capistetheredto the tractor
to prevent i ts loss.Donotattempt to remove the capfrom the tractor.
Fillthefuel tank withgasoline.
Reinstall the fuel cap.
Note:Thetractorisfitted with atethered,ratcheting fuel cap.STOP f illing the tank
oncethe fuel isseeninsidethe filler neck.Thisensures thataproperexpansion
volumeiscreated, o therwisethe fuel canoverflowcreatinga hazardous s ituation.
DoNOT top offthe fuel tank.SeeFigure 7.
Figure 7
Avoid Serious
or Death
Goupanddownslopes, n ot across.
Avoidsudden turns.
Donot operatethe unitwhereit couldslipor tip.
If machine stopsgoinguphill,stopblades andbackdownhillslowly.
Donot mowwhenchildrenor othersarearound.
Never c arrychildren, e venwith blades off.
Lookdown andbehindbeforeandwhilebacking.
Keep safetydevices (guards, s hields, a ndswitches) i nplaceandworking.
Remove o bjectsthat couldbethrown bythe blades.
Knowlocationandfunctionof all controls.
Besurebladesandenginearestopped beforeplacinghands or feet near
Beforeleavingoperator's position,stoptractor,disengage b lades, e ngage
parkingbrake, s hutengineoff, andremove key.
Read Operator's Manual
Safety Interlock System
Thesafetyinterlock systemisdesigned for safeoperationofthe tractor.Ifthis
systemshouldevermalfunction, d o not operate the tractor.Immediately contact
1-800-659-5917 to have the systemserviced.
Thesafetyinterlocksystem prevents theenginefrom startingunless
the parkingbrakeisengaged andthe PTO (BladeEngage) l everisinthe
disengaged (OFF) p osition.
Thesafetyinterlocksystem will automatically shutoff the engineif the
operatorleaves the seatbefore engaging the parkingbrake.
Thesafetyinterlocksystem will automatically shutoff the engineif the
operatorleaves the tractor'sseatwiththe PTO (BladeEngage) leverengaged,
regardless o fwhetherthe parkingbrakeisengaged.

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Craftsman 247.288820-ca