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  • ESPAÑOL, página 15

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Thank you for choosing our product.
Please read all instructions carefully and
thoroughly before use!
Make sure that the appliance has not been damaged
during delivery. Do not disassemble the product at
home. Do not use the lamp if there is any visible
damage. Please do not use the lamp in high
temperature or in a high humidity environment.
Make sure that the item is not damaged during
transport. Do not disassemble the product at home!
Please do not use the lamp in high temperature or
high humidity environment. The lamp is suitable for
both indoor and outdoor use.
Battery Instructions:
1. Before use, unscrew the product cover and remove
the protective film from the top of the battery.
2. Charge the battery with the included USB cable
before first use.
3. Use the included USB cable and a 5V USB adapter or
a computer's USB port to charge the product's battery.
4. As the battery drains, the brightness will decrease
5. Continuous charging of the lamp significantly
reduces its lifespan.
Lighting modes:
1. Push the button once: 100% White light
2. Push the button second times: 50% White light
3. Push the button three times: Strobe
- Clip
The manufacturer and distributor shall not be liable
for any damage resulting from improper or incorrect
This product conforms to the appropriate European
CE directives.
This product conforms to the appropriate European
safety standards.
Safety Instructions:
- Use the product in accordance with the manual, any
other use is considered improper use and may result
in property damage and / or personal injury. The
product is not a toy.
- Do not operate the product if you notice any
- Please do not look directly into the LED luminaire.
- The product contains a battery. Do not expose to
extreme temperatures.
- When replacing the battery, please place the old
battery in the designated container.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not disassemble the product housing.
- Do not immerse the product in water or any other
- Keep the product away from open flames and hot
Battery Safety Instructions:
- Immediately remove weak batteries from the
battery compartment, as they may leak and damage
the device
- Do not dissassemble the batteries.
- In case of contact with battery acid, immediately
rinse the affected areas with plenty of clear water and
immediately consult a doctor.
- Magnet
- If a battery has been swallowed, consult a doctor
- Keep batteries away from children.
-Insert batteries correctly, observe the polarity (+/-)
-Remove batteries if you do not use the device for at
least 3 months.
- Do not short-circuit! It can be explosive!
- Do not throw into the fire! It can be explosive!
- Replace the batteries only with batteries of the
same type.
- Do not throw used batteries and rechargeable
batteries into household waste, but into hazardous
waste or
take them to a battery collection station in a specialist
- Use only a dry, soft cloth for cleaning.
- Switch off the device before cleaning.
- Do not use any strong detergent for the cleaning.
Do not dispose of your old appliance as unsorted
municipal waste, as it may contain components that are
hazardous to the environment or human health! Used or
discarded equipment may be disposed of free of charge at
the point of sale and from any distributor who sells
equipment that is identical in function and function. You
can also dispose of electronic waste at a collection point.
This protects the environment, your fellow human beings
and your own health. Contact your local waste disposal
organization if you have any questions.
Environmental damage through incorrect disposal of
the batteries/ rechargeable batteries!
Batteries/rechargeable batteries may not be disposed of
with the usual domestic waste. They may contain toxic
heavy metals and are subject to hazardous waste
treatment rules and regulations. That is why you should
dispose of used batteries/rechargeable batteries at a
local collection point

Resumen de contenidos para ENTAC EFL-RE-PL-C-M

  • Página 1 EFL RE PL C M USER MANUAL EN DE HU RO SK CZ HR SI SRB PT LT PL GR IT ES FR BG This product conforms to the appropriate European CE directives. Thank you for choosing our product. This product conforms to the appropriate European - Do not short-circuit! It can be explosive! Please read all instructions carefully and thoroughly before use!
  • Página 2 Funktionen: Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für unser Produkt entschieden haben. -Clip -Kopf ZOOM IN-OUT -Magnet Bitte lesen Sie die Anweisungen sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie das Produkt verwenden. - Der Akku ist von Kindern fernzuhalten! Der Hersteller und der Händler haften nicht für - Nehmen Sie die Batterien heraus, wenn Sie das Gerät Prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Transportschäden aufweist! Schäden, die aus unsachgemäßer oder missbräuchli-...
  • Página 3 Biztonsági előírások: Tisztítás: - A terméket az utasításoknak megfelelően használja, - A tisztítást száraz, puha kendővel végezze. Köszönjük, hogy termékünket választotta! minden más használat helytelen használatnak - Tisztítás előtt kapcsolja ki a készüléket. Kérjük, a termék üzembe helyezése előtt minősül, és anyagi kárt és/vagy - A termék tisztításához ne használjon tisztítószereket! figyelmesen olvassa el az alábbi útmutatót és őrizze személyi sérülést okozhat.
  • Página 4 Vă mul umim că a i ales produsul nostru. Instruc iuni de siguran ă: - Nu scurtcircuita i! Poate fi exploziv! Vă rugăm să citi i cu aten ie și cu aten ie toate - Nu arunca i în foc! Poate fi exploziv! - Utiliza i produsul în conformitate cu manualul, orice instruc iunile înainte de utilizare! - Înlocui i bateriile numai cu baterii de același tip.
  • Página 5 Thank you for choosing our product. Please read all instructions carefully and Bezpečnostné pokyny: - Nevypínajte skrat! Môže to byť výbušné! thoroughly before use! - Nevhadzujte do ohňa! Môže byť výbušný! - Akékoľvek iné použitie sa považuje za nesprávne - Batérie vymieňajte len za batérie rovnakého typu. Uistite že zariadenie...
  • Página 6 Děkujeme, že jste si vybrali náš produkt. Před použitím si prosím pečlivě a důkladně přečtěte všechny pokyny! Ujistěte se, že spotřebič nebyl během dodávky Bezpečnostní pokyny: - Nezpůsobujte zkrat! Může to být výbušné! poškozen. Výrobek doma nerozebírejte. Nepoužívejte - Nevhazujte do ohně! Může být výbušný! svítidlo, pokud viditelně...
  • Página 7 Sigurnosne upute: - Ne stvarajte kratki spoj! Može biti eksplozivno! - Koristite proizvod u skladu s priručnikom, svaka Zahvaljujemo što ste odabrali naš proizvod. - Ne bacajte u vatru! Može biti eksplozivno! druga uporaba smatra se nepravilnom uporabom i Prije uporabe pažljivo i temeljito pročitajte sve - Zamijenite baterije samo s baterijama istog tipa.
  • Página 8 Varnostna navodila: Hvala, ker ste izbrali naš izdelek. - Izdelek uporabljajte v skladu s priročnikom, vsaka Pred uporabo natančno in natančno preberite vsa drugačna uporaba se šteje za nepravilno uporabo in - Ne povzročajte kratkega stika! Lahko je eksplozivno! navodila! lahko povzroči materialno škodo in/ali telesne - Ne mečite v ogenj! Lahko je eksplozivno! poškodbe.
  • Página 9 funkcije: -Klip -Glava ZOOM IN-OUT - Magnet - Ne pravi kratki spoj! Može biti eksplozivno! Hvala vam što ste odabrali naš proizvod. - Ne bacajte u vatru! Može biti eksplozivno! Proizvođač i distributer neće biti odgovorni za bilo Molimo vas da pažljivo i osnovno pročitate sva - Zamenite baterije samo baterijama istog tipa.
  • Página 10 Obrigado por ter escolhido o nosso produto. Leia atentamente todas as instruções antes de o utilizar! Instruções de segurança: - Não provocar curto-circuito! Pode ser explosivo! Certifique-se de que o aparelho não foi danificado - Não atirar para o fogo! Pode ser explosivo! durante a entrega.
  • Página 11 Paldies, ka izvēlējāties mūsu produktu. Pirms lietošanas uzmanīgi un rūpīgi izlasiet visas Drošības instrukcijas: instrukcijas! - Neizmantojiet īssavienojumu! Tas var būt sprādzienbīstams! - Jebkāda cita veida lietošana tiek uzskatīta par Neizmetiet savu veco iekārtu kā nešķirotus sadzīves - Neiemetiet ugunī! Tas var būt sprādzienbīstams! atkritumus, jo tajā...
  • Página 12 Dziękujemy za wybranie naszego produktu. Przed użyciem należy uważnie i dokładnie Funkcje: - Nie doprowadzaj do zwarcia! To może być przeczytać wszystkie instrukcje! -Klip wybuchowe! -ZWIĘKSZANIE-ZMNIEJSZANIE głowy -Magnes - Nie wrzucaj do ognia! To może być wybuchowe! Upewnij się, że urządzenie nie zostało uszkodzone - Wymieniaj baterie tylko na baterie tego samego podczas dostawy.
  • Página 13 Λειτουργίες: - Κλιπ -Κεφαλή ΖΟΥΜ IN-OUT - Μαγνήτης Ο κατασκευαστής και ο διανοµέας δεν φέρουν ευθύνη - Μην βραχυκυκλώνετε! Μπορεί να είναι εκρηκτικό! για οποιαδήποτε ζηµιά προκύψει από ακατάλληλη ή - Μην πετάτε στη φωτιά! Μπορεί να είναι εκρηκτικό! Σας ευχαριστούµε που επιλέξατε το προϊόν µας. εσφαλµένη...
  • Página 14 Funzioni: - Clip -Testa ZOOM IN-OUT - Magnete Il produttore e il distributore non saranno - Non cortocircuitare! Può essere esplosivo! responsabili per eventuali danni derivanti da un uso - Non gettare nel fuoco! Può essere esplosivo! Grazie per aver scelto il nostro prodotto. improprio o scorretto.
  • Página 15 Funciones: - Clip -Cabezal ZOOM IN-OUT - Imán - ¡No haga cortocircuito! ¡Puede ser explosivo! El fabricante y el distribuidor no se hacen responsables de los daños derivados de un uso - ¡No tirar al fuego! ¡Puede ser explosivo! Gracias por elegir nuestro producto. inadecuado o incorrecto.
  • Página 16 Merci d'avoir choisi notre produit. Veuillez lire attentivement et attentivement toutes les instructions avant utilisation ! Consignes de sécurité: - Ne pas court-circuiter ! Ça peut être explosif ! Assurez-vous que l'appareil n'a pas été endommagé - Ne pas jeter au feu ! Ça peut être explosif ! lors de la livraison.
  • Página 17 This product was designed and developed in the European Union.Cop- Функции: yright © 2023 Entac ® All Rights reserved. For product related -Клип information, please visit: -Глава УВЕЛИЧАВАНЕ-НАМАЛЯВАНЕ - Магнит For technical or warranty support, please contact the authorised representative: Bramcke GmbH 52353 Düren An Gut Nazareth 18A...