Starting state indicator legend (9)
on: Telling the connection is correct and the circuit is working, you can turn on the
engine to Jump-start directly.
on with Alarm buzzer: Telling the connection is wrong, or short-circuit happens.
Check and correct the clamps till the GREEN LIGHT on then turn on the engine.
blinking: Saying the vehicle battery is low voltage, press the "BOOST" button, wait
GREEN LIGHT becomes sol id, then turn on the engine within 30s.
NO LIGHT on: Saying the vehicle's battery maybe damaged, after confirming the clamps
connection is correct, press the "BOOST" button, wait GREEN LIGHT is on, and then turn on the
eng1ne w1th1n 30s.
If the BOOST procedure triggers an error on the starter, it is possible that there are still loads (such
as air conditioning or headlights) on the vehicle with a dead battery or no battery. Make sure to
turn off all loads and try again. In some cases, it may be necessary to disconnect the jumper
cables, activate the BOOST, and then reconnect the cables.
IMPORTANT: In this case, any reversal of polarity or short circuit could cause sparks, explosions,
and damage to people or property. Make sure beforehand that the system is not in a short circuit
and carefully verify the polarity.
continuously start, wait far 10 minutes then turn on the engine. If it still can not start the car,
please consult Professional persons, NOT make jump-start again.
Charging of cell phones and tablets
Plug the switch cable to Quick Charge output port.
1. Select appropriate connector and connect it to your mobile phones or tablet.
2. Touch the switch button, it can recognise electronic product's suitable parameters, start to
charge far mobile phone/tablet etc.
light blinking: Saying the host goes to Protection Situation after 4 times