CANCEL terminal
ALARM Connection – Contact Control
Connect the button contacts to the ALARM terminal. The alarm is set as N/O (both jumpers
mounted) from the factory. The button can have an N/O or N/C contact. If the case is a N/C
contact, invert the button function in the device web configuration.
Remember that the button must be safe – the button contacts may never be connected to any
other circuits. If such conditions cannot be met, use voltage control.
ALARM Connection – Voltage Control
Voltage connection / disconnection is used for activation. The alarm is set to contact control
from the factory. Slide all the jumpers off the configuration jumper link to control alarm by
voltage connection.
DC voltage of 5–48 V can be used. Such source, however, must be backed up against power
Indicator Connection
Any indicators can be used in this connection mode (illuminated
pictograms, e.g.). The indicator brightness intensity is ensured
by the use of an external power supply. 2N LiftIP 2.0 includes
just switches; connect a circuit to limit the current if necessary
if LEDs are used.
To ensure proper connection, make sure that a 12–24 V source
(backed up if the indicators are supposed to work at power
outages too) and 200 mA permanent current (bulbs can be
connected) are used and both the indicators are connected.
Contact control
N/O contact
N/C contact
Voltage control
Connect DC volt-
age of 5–48 V.
Disconnect DC
voltage of 5–48 V.
Use the
jumpers for setting.
N/O contact: both
the jumpers are
N/C contact: both
the jumpers are
mounted and input
polarity is inverted
in the software
Voltage connection
control: no jumper
is mounted.
disconnection con-
trol: no jumper is
mounted and input
polarity is inverted
in the software