01. In Mac OS X, open "System Preferences" > select "Sound" >"Input" >
"Select Sound Input Device" >select "USB Live Camera audio" as the default sound
input device (microphone). Move the volume slider to the desired input volume;
02. In Mac OS X, open "System Preferences" > "Sound" > "Output">
"Output Volume" > uncheck "Mute" in this menu and adjust the Input
volume to a medium level. If you're using an external speaker, make sure the audio
"Output" option is the audio output device you're using to avoid cannot play the
sound. Refer to the picture as below:
For video recording, please choose Photo Booth; For video calling please choose Face
Time or Skype and other video software etc. For playing video, please use Quick Time.
The Quick Time and Photo Booth are preinstalled on all Macs as a standard.
2. Setting for Windows Users
The USB Live Camera is compatible with most Windows operation system included
Windows XP (SP2)/7/8/10.
1). Installation
The webcam will automatically be installed when you connect it to your computer.
Click "Control Panel" > "Device Manager" > "Sound, video and game controllers" and
"Audio inputs and outputs",it will appear "USB Live Camera Audio";
Click "Image Device" [It is called"Cameras"in Windows10] it will appear "USB Live
Camera".It is indicating that the camera has been installed successfully.
2). Audio Setting
01. Setting audio input device (Microphone):
For Windows system,right click "Speaker" at the button right corner of the computer
> "Recording devices" > "Recording" tab > select "USB Live camera audio" > click
"Set as Default Device" in the "Default Device" or "Default Communication Device",