Problem: The blades stay open when it rains (RTS installation)
1. Make sure a rain sensor
has been installed
The blades will not close automatically if
there is not a rain sensor.
executable by
a professional
2. Check the connection of
the rain sensor
You must open the printed circuit board
for the motor to do this. Only executable
by a professional installer!
A. The orange LED under the rain cloud
symbol on the printed circuit board
for the motor is lit continiously. This
means that the rain sensor is wet.
B. The orange LED under the rain cloud
symbol on the printed circuit board for
the motor is blinking. This means that
the rain sensor was wet at some point
in the last 15 minutes (has not been
dry for longer than 15 minutes).
C. The LED under the rain cloud symbol
is not lit or blinking. This means that
the rain sensor is not wet or has not
been wet within the last 15 minutes.
This is easy to test by touching the
sensor with your hand.
3. Make sure the motor
direction is correctly
If you press the up arrow, the roof must
open; if you press the down arrow, the
roof must close. If this is the other way
around the roof will open when it rains!
Do not forget to program the snow posi-
tion, this must be done when program-
ming the motor control box during initial
installation (see installation manual). It is
also possible to program a favourite po-
sition using the "My" button.
If this is not possible something went
wrong and you need to reprogram the
motor control box.
4. Check to see if the
rain function has been
temporarily neutralised
It is possible that the rain function was
temporarily neutralised by overruling the
rain sensor by giving a manual command
using the Situo remote control.
Manual overruling the rain function will
have following effect:
If there is moisture or rain (can also be
due to touching), the rain sensor will
send a signal to shut the blades. If you
want to manually reopen the closed roof
while the sensor is still wet using the
Situo remote control, the rain function is
temporarily deactivated.
The rain function will be automatically re-
activated after the rain sensor has been
dry for more than 15 minutes. As long
as this is not the case, the roof will not
respond to signals from the rain sensor.
The orange LED of the rain sensor in the
motor control box will indicate whether
the sensor is active or has been during
the last 15 minutes.
The motor control box will always give
priority to your manual operation.
If there is a power cut, the rain function
will be reset without having to wait for 15
minutes. The blinking LED light under the
rain cloud will also stop blinking.
Find below an example to clarify point 4
The blades of your roof are open and the
following weather occurs:
12:00 u
13:00 u
13:30 u
A. At noon, the rain sensor gets wet =>
the roof closes.
B. At 12:30 p.m., the roof is opened
using the Situo remote control for
whatever reason (manual operation).
The rain function is therefore tempo-
rarily deactivated. After all, the user
has opted to take over (overrule) the
rain function.
C. At 1 p.m., the rain stops and the rain
sensor starts to dry up. The duration
of the dryness depends on the con-
ditions, but can take several minutes.
Especially if there are large drops of
water on the sensor. Suppose that, in
this example, it takes 18 minutes for
the sensor to dry up.
D. At 1:18 p.m., the sensor is dry and the
orange LED will go from steady on to
blinking. The 15-minute waiting period
starts now.
E. At 1:30 p.m., it starts to rain again.
The roof does NOT close because the
rain function is only supposed to reac-
tivate at 1:33 p.m. (= 1:18 p.m. + 15
F. It stops raining at 2 p.m. The sensor
starts to dry up again. Suppose that
it once again takes 18 minutes for the
sensor to dry up.
G. At 2:18 p.m., the rain function is re-
activated. The roof is still open to the
position it was in at 12:30 p.m.
14:00 u
16:00 u