Operating Handles
The 044 key machine is shipped completely assembled
except for the carriage handle and the lever handle.
Upon unpacking the machine, locate the carriage handle
and thread it into the carriage in the area directly above
the trigger assembly. Then, cut the nylon band holding
the carriage rigid and insert the lower end of the lever
handle into the hole in the pinion shaft (located at the
front of the machine on the left side). Tighten the set
screw on the front of the pinion shaft to secure the lever
handle. Refer to page 5 if unsure of handle placement.
Test keys
A series of cut keys are supplied with your machine.
These keys were cut on your machine and represent the
result of our quality inspectors' work before approving
your machine for shipment. The keys are reproductions
of factory dimensioned pattern keys and are accurate to
.002" or less. Save these keys and use them as standards
to check the accuracy of cuts in the keys you make. By
measuring across the cuts with a micrometer, you'll be
able to see if your machine is cutting too deep or too
shallow, thus indicating that an adjustment of the cutter
guide is necessary.
Proper key cutting techniques
Even though your 044 key machine is designed to make
key cutting fast, easy and accurate, operator technique is
important. The actual mechanics of placing keys within
the vise jaws is simple to learn, but there are some basics
that must be followed. A properly adjusted key machine
used by someone who ignores good key cutting tech-
niques will NOT produce a good key. The way a person
clamps a key into the vise jaws is critical to the accuracy
of the duplicated key.
Remember - the real purpose of a duplicate key is to
operate the lock for which it was intended. If customers
return keys, you should reexamine your cutting tech-
niques and adjustment of the machine.
Here are some important operating tips:
1. Vise jaws - clean them regularly so that no metal
chips lie under the keys. It is essential that both
keys lie flat across the entire width of each vise
jaw. Neither key should be tilted.
2. Do NOT use pliers or other tools to tighten the vise
jaws. Firm hand pressure is sufficient.
3. Keep the carriage shaft free of metal chips. A thin film
of oil can be applied to it. The carriage should be free
to move without binding.
4. NEVER touch the shoulder of a key to the side of the
cutter guide. This will cause the shoulder of the key
blank to touch the side of the cutting wheel. When
this happens, some of the metal will be cut away from
the shoulder of the key blank. If the resulting dupli-
cated key is duplicated two, three, four times over, an
error will accumulate and cause a non-operating key.
Do not grind away the shoulder.
5. Don't run the cutter into the vise jaw; this will dull the
cutter, and reduce cutter efficiency.
6. Keep the cutter clean. Don't let any foreign objects or
instruments blunt it. This cutter is a precise cutting
tool and should be handled with care.
7. Lubrication of moving parts is important. An oil cup is
provided to keep the cutter shaft bearings well lubricat-
ed. (5-7 drops of 3-in-1or lightweight spindle oil in the
oil cup is sufficient.) The carriage spindle should be
lubricated with a thin film of oil and wiped free of chip
build up. The lubrication procedures should be per-
formed every 2-3 weeks depending on usage. The motor
requires lubrication on an annual basis. See motor
label for details.