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503 Series
Installation + Operation
Keep for Future Reference
F3B / F3B
1.6 gpf / 6 Lpf Systems
del usuario
503 Series
Sistemas asistidos
por presión
Instalación y uso
Conservar para
consulta en el futuro
F3B / F3B
1.6 gpf / 6 Lpf Sistemas
Manuel de
503 Series
Système assistées
à pression
Installation + opération
Conserver pour
référence future
F3B / F3B
1.6 gpf / 6 Lpf Systèmes
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Resumen de contenidos para Flushmate 503 Serie

  • Página 1 User Manual Manuel de Manual del usuario l’utilisateur 503 Series 503 Series 503 Series Pressure-Assist Sistemas asistidos Système assistées por presión à pression Systems Instalación y uso Installation + opération Installation + Operation Conservar para Conserver pour Keep for Future Reference consulta en el futuro référence future F3B / F3B...
  • Página 2: Tabla De Contenido

    ® optimale pour les toilettes assistées à pression. Les consommateurs peuvent se fier aux produits Flushmate pour leur efficacité accrue et leur fiabilité à chaque chasse d’eau puisqu’ils sont le fruit de 30 années d’expérience.
  • Página 3: Components Reference

    OJunta entre tanque y taza O Joint d’étanchéité de réservoir à bol P Supply shank locknut P Contratuerca del cuerpo de alimentación P Contre-écrou du fût d’alimentation Always use genuine Flushmate Utilice siempre repuestos Toujours utiliser des pièces de rechange Flushmate auténticos. Flushmate d’origine.
  • Página 4: Operating Requirements

    Flushmate System to function. de agua para que el sistema de débit d’alimentation en eau Flushmate pueda funcionar. pour que le Système Flushmate puisse fonctionner correctement. Minimum Operating Mínima presión de Pression minimale d’opération : Pressure: 20 psi / 137.9 kPa...
  • Página 5: Warnings

    Care should be taken when Tenga cuidado cuando trabaje Des précautions doivent être working on the Flushmate en el sistema Flushmate. Las prises lors du travail sur le System. Surfaces can become superficies pueden mojarse, lo Système Flushmate. Les surfaces...
  • Página 6: Preparation

    Preparation Before you begin, read all instructions to have a clear understanding of the time, tasks and tools required. Removal and installation can typically be completed in about an hour. • Review all sections of the manual • Complete steps in the order provided •...
  • Página 7: Package Contents Checklist

    Package Contents Checklist Lista de comprobación de contenido del paquete / Liste de vérification du contenu de l’emballage Flushmate System Gaskets + Locknuts Sistema Flushmate Juntas y contratuercas Système Flushmate Joints d’étanchéité + contre-écrous See inside cover ap for listing of See inside cover flap for listing of all system components.
  • Página 8: Tools + Supplies

    Tools (Optional) Herramientas (Opcional) / Outils (Optionnel) 4-in-1 Tool Herramienta 4 en 1 / Outil 4 en 1 1 Phillips screwdriver 1 Destornillador en cruz (Phillip) 1 Tournevis cruciforme 2 Nut driver - 1/4” 2 Llave para tuerca - 1/4” 2 Tourne-écrou –...
  • Página 9 Les variations dans les tailles side of wrench accommodate Las diferencias de tamaño de des écrous sur chaque côté old and new Flushmate locknuts. tuerca a cada lado de la llave de la clé accommodent tant se adaptan a las contratuercas les nouveaux que les anciens Flushmate viejas y nuevas.
  • Página 10: Removing Your Existing

    Avant d’effectuer quelque service sur le Système Flushmate, vous devez d’abord FERMER entièrement la coupure d’alimentation en eau et vidanger la toilette pour dégager la pression du réservoir Flushmate. Un manquement à ce faire peut résulter en blessure ou en dommage au réservoir et/ou au bol de la toilette.
  • Página 11 Remove Existing Flushmate Desmontar un Flushmate existente / Retirer le Système Flushmate existant ➋ ➊ Completely CLOSE toilet’s water supply stop. Place bucket and towels near toilet tank to Not all valves look alike. Flush toilet to release prepare for draining water from tank.
  • Página 12 Remove Existing Flushmate Desmontar un Flushmate existente / Retirer le Système Flushmate existant Place bucket under supply shank, completely CAUTION: To prevent a slip/fall hazard, remove supply shank locknut with pliers, use towel to wipe up excess water that may have and allow water to drain into bucket.
  • Página 13 Press actuator to flush toilet. This will ensure all Remove toilet tank lid and place flat on floor, pressure is released from the vessel. away from work area. TIP: You will not hear a flush if pressure has already been released. Pull up on actuator and hold for 1 minute, until excess water from vessel drains into toilet bowl.
  • Página 14 Remove Existing Flushmate Desmontar un Flushmate existente / Retirer le Système Flushmate existant If you have a push button toilet, Locate tank bolts and nuts under toilet tank >>> Skip to Step 8. and bowl. Before removing existing handle, note its Some toilets have two tank bolts and nuts, orientation.
  • Página 15: Flushmate

    Use the flat wrench to hold upper nuts in place. Keep all tank bolt nuts and washers for re-use Loosen and remove tank bolt nuts with 4-in-1 during installation of your new Flushmate System. tool. Place a towel on floor of work area to protect...
  • Página 16 Remove Existing Flushmate Desmontar un Flushmate existente / Retirer le Système Flushmate existant 38 lbs. 17,3 kgs Lay toilet tank on towel, with the front side WARNING: Lifting the toilet tank (up to of the tank facing down. 45 lbs./20.4 kgs) is required. Exposed tank bolts have sharp threads and may cause injury –...
  • Página 17 Remove tank to bowl gasket from discharge CAUTION: To prevent a slip/fall hazard, extension. Discard. use towel to wipe up excess water that may have fallen in your work area. Repeat as necessary. Quite la junta entre el tanque y la taza de la PRECAUCIÓN: Para evitar el peligro de extensión de la descarga.
  • Página 18 Remove Existing Flushmate Desmontar un Flushmate existente / Retirer le Système Flushmate existant Slide existing Flushmate out of the toilet tank. CAUTION: Exposed tank bolts have sharp Dispose of in accordance with local waste threads and may cause injury – avoid contact.
  • Página 19: Installing Your New Flushmate

    Installing Your New Flushmate System Before you begin, read all instructions to have a clear understanding of the time, tasks and tools required. Installation can typically be completed in about 45 minutes. WARNING Lifting the toilet tank (up to 45 lbs./20.4 kgs) is required.
  • Página 20 Install New Flushmate Instalar un Flushmate nuevo / Installation du nouveau Système Flushmate Place new ‘tank to tank gasket’ on the Confirm tank bolts are tight. From inside toilet tank, hold head of tank bolt stationary with discharge extension with the flat side toward the vessel.
  • Página 21 . Gently wiggle ➋ lower supply group and pull to release. ➊ Alinear el recipiente del Flushmate con el tanque Suelte el grupo de alimentación inferior ➊ del inodoro, como se muestra en la figura. poste de montaje del recipiente .
  • Página 22 Install New Flushmate Instalar un Flushmate nuevo / Installation du nouveau Système Flushmate Holding the lower supply group, guide the supply Hold supply shank in place (inside toilet tank), shank inside the toilet tank and through the small and thread on supply shank locknut by hand.
  • Página 23 Insert the new Flushmate System into toilet Hold vessel in place so discharge extension tank. Guide discharge extension through center stays centered in opening while hand-tightening opening. discharge extension locknut. Be careful not to cross-thread locknut. Inserte el nuevo sistema Flushmate dentro del Sostenga el recipiente en su lugar de manera tanque del inodoro.
  • Página 24 Install New Flushmate Instalar un Flushmate nuevo / Installation du nouveau Système Flushmate Center vessel within toilet tank. CAUTION: Exposed tank bolts have sharp Use both hands on opposite ends of the vessel threads and may cause injury – avoid contact.
  • Página 25 Tighten supply shank locknut using Place new tank to bowl gasket over discharge 3-in-1 wrench. locknut. Make sure tank to bowl gasket contacts toilet tank all the way around. NOTICE: Both locknuts should be snug to prevent TIP: leakage, but do not over-tighten, as this can damage the toilet tank.
  • Página 26 Install New Flushmate Instalar un Flushmate nuevo / Installation du nouveau Système Flushmate 38 lbs. 17.3 kgs Re-install washers and nuts to tank bolts by WARNING: Lifting the toilet tank (up to hand. Tighten in small increments with 45 lbs./20.4 kgs) is required. Exposed tank 4-in-1 tool.
  • Página 27 Make sure toilet tank is level with bowl. Take disconnected water supply line and direct over / into bucket. Completely OPEN Refer to toilet manufacturer’s guidelines for water supply stop. any special instructions about tank to bowl connections. Asegúrese de que el tanque del inodoro esté Tome el tubo de suministro de agua nivelado con la taza.
  • Página 28 Install New Flushmate Instalar un Flushmate nuevo / Installation du nouveau Système Flushmate Allow water to fill bucket to ¾ full to flush the Reattach water supply ➊ to supply shank ➋. water supply line. Completely CLOSE water Hand-tighten. supply stop.
  • Página 29 Wait and listen for water to stop filling system. Flush the toilet twice by pressing down on If water stops running in 1 minute or less, actuator. Wait 1 minute between flushes to test >>> Continue to Step 20. the system. If water continues to run after 1 minute, the system needs adjustment.
  • Página 30 Install New Flushmate Instalar un Flushmate nuevo / Installation du nouveau Système Flushmate Place tank lid on toilet tank. Push to feel If your toilet requires a flush handle, install how much space is between push button and the Handle Replacement Kit. Follow the actuator.
  • Página 31 1 minuto entre descargas. ¿Deja de plana sobre el suelo, lejos de la zona de trabajo. correr el agua? SÍ: >>> Su Flushmate está listo para el uso. Llene la tarjeta de Registro de Producto. NO: >>> Vaya al paso 24 Activer la chasse de la toilette deux fois pour Retirer le couvercle du réservoir de la toilette et...
  • Página 32 Install New Flushmate Instalar un Flushmate nuevo / Installation du nouveau Système Flushmate Hold actuator in place. Use 4-in-1 tool to Adjust actuator UP (counter-clockwise) if there is loosen set screw by turning counter-clockwise, too much travel in push button, or if toilet does not flush completely.
  • Página 33: New System Adjustments

    New System Adjustments Newly installed Flushmate Systems often need adjustments. If the water supply stop is completely open, minor adjustments should resolve run-on conditions in new installations. Make sure to complete steps in the order provided to identify the source of the run-on condition.
  • Página 34 New System Adjustments Ajuste de un sistema nuevo / Ajustements du nouveau système Make sure water supply stop is completely Hold actuator in place. Use 4-in-1 tool to OPEN. loosen set screw by turning counter-clockwise, approximately 4 rotations. Do not remove set screw.
  • Página 35 Unscrew and remove actuator. Set aside to Use end of 3-in-1 wrench to turn flush valve cartridge counter-clockwise until only 1 black reinstall. Leave set screw in place. thread of the vessel is showing. Destornille y desmonte el actuador. Póngalo a Utilice el extremo de la llave 3 en 1 para girar un lado para volver a montarlo.
  • Página 36 New System Adjustments Ajuste de un sistema nuevo / Ajustements du nouveau système After you complete raising the flush valve Use end of 3-in-1 wrench to turn flush valve cartridge, confirm only 1 black thread of the cartridge clockwise ¼ turn. Listen for the water vessel is showing.
  • Página 37 27, étape 21. vidange. L’eau s’arrête-t-elle de circuler? OUI: >>> Continuez à l’étape 8 NO: >>> Répéter les étapes 4 à 7. Après 2 tentatives sans succès, veuillez communiquer avec Flushmate: 800.533.3460 Continue / Continué / Continuez...
  • Página 38 Ne pas mettre d’antigel ni other chemical agents in the cualquier otro producto químico d’autre produit chimique dans toilet tank or in the Flushmate en el tanque del inodoro o en el le réservoir de la toilette ni System. Doing so will damage sistema Flushmate.
  • Página 39: Resumen De La Garantía Limitada De Flushmate

    This is only a general summary of Flushmate’s limited warranty so it is important to note that the specifi c terms, conditions, restrictions, limitations and exclusions, including the duration of the warranty, are contained in the actual Flushmate Limited Warranty.
  • Página 40: Ressources / Contacts

    Flushmate by phone: póngase en contacto con ou avez besoin de soutien Flushmate por teléfono: technique, veuillez communiquer US and Canada avec Flushmate par téléphone : Monday - Friday EE.UU. y Canadá 8am - 4:30pm EST Lunes a viernes États-Unis et Canada 800.533.3460...
  • Página 41 Mail-in or register online: www.flushmate.com Es muy importante registrar su producto después de la instalación. Registrar el producto permite a Flushmate ofrecer la más actualizada información de producto disponible. Envíe por correo, o regístrese en línea : www.flushmate.com Il est très important d’enregistrer votre produit après l’installation.
  • Página 42: Product Registration

    Número de serie Número de modelo q Solo reemplacé un Flushmate. Ambos números están en la etiqueta de la parte superior del recipiente del Flushmate. q Reemplacé otra marca asistida por presión. Nombre del inodoro (sobre la taza) Este inodoro fue instalado por:...
  • Página 43 Flushmate Attention: Flushmate 30075 Research Drive New Hudson, MI 48165-8548 Flushmate Attention: Flushmate 30075 Research Drive New Hudson, MI 48165-8548 Flushmate Attention: Flushmate 30075 Research Drive New Hudson, MI 48165-8548...
  • Página 44 Flushmate 30075 Research Drive New Hudson, MI 48165 Toll Free: 800.533.3460 Local: 248.446.5300 www.flushmate.com FLU-MFG7007.3 0420...

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