Flow Rate:
Flow Rate:
Flow Rate:
Pressure Range:
Pressure Range:
Pressure Range:
Temperature Range:
Temperature Range:
Temperature Range:
Risk of electrical shock. If your water pipes are
Risk of electrical shock. If your water pipes are
Risk of electrical shock. If your water pipes are
used to ground your home' s electrical system, install a No. 8 AWG
used to ground your home' s electrical system, install a No. 8 AWG
used to ground your home' s electrical system, install a No. 8 AWG
building inspector or licensed electrician for more information.
building inspector or licensed electrician for more information.
building inspector or licensed electrician for more information.
Do not use with water that is microbiologically
Do not use with water that is microbiologically
Do not use with water that is microbiologically
unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection
before or after the system.
unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection
unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection
before or after the system.
before or after the system.
Filter must be protected against freezing, which can
Filter must be protected against freezing, which can
Filter must be protected against freezing, which can
The rubber O-ring provides the water-tight seal
between the cap and the bottom of the housing. It is important
The rubber O-ring provides the water-tight seal
The rubber O-ring provides the water-tight seal
that the O-ring be properly seated in the groove above the
between the cap and the bottom of the housing. It is important
between the cap and the bottom of the housing. It is important
threads of the housing or a water leak could occur.
that the O-ring be properly seated in the groove above the
that the O-ring be properly seated in the groove above the
threads of the housing or a water leak could occur.
threads of the housing or a water leak could occur.
Because of the product' s limited service life and to
prevent costly repairs or possible water damage, we strongly
Because of the product' s limited service life and to
Because of the product' s limited service life and to
recommend that the bottom of all plastic housings be replaced
prevent costly repairs or possible water damage, we strongly
prevent costly repairs or possible water damage, we strongly
recommend that the bottom of all plastic housings be replaced
recommend that the bottom of all plastic housings be replaced
bottom of your housing has been in use for longer than this
period, it should be replaced immediately. Date the bottom
bottom of your housing has been in use for longer than this
bottom of your housing has been in use for longer than this
of any new or replacement housing to indicate the next
period, it should be replaced immediately. Date the bottom
period, it should be replaced immediately. Date the bottom
recommended replacement date.
of any new or replacement housing to indicate the next
of any new or replacement housing to indicate the next
Do not use electrical heating tape on this unit.
recommended replacement date.
recommended replacement date.
Do not use electrical heating tape on this unit.
Do not use electrical heating tape on this unit.
• Numbered diagrams correspond with numbered steps.
• Numbered diagrams correspond with numbered steps.
• Numbered diagrams correspond with numbered steps.
located and what type of pipe the unit will connect to. The
it. Allow a 1-1/2 inch clearance below the housing to allow for
located and what type of pipe the unit will connect to. The
located and what type of pipe the unit will connect to. The
changing the cartridge.
• The recommended installation has a shut-off valve on both the
it. Allow a 1-1/2 inch clearance below the housing to allow for
it. Allow a 1-1/2 inch clearance below the housing to allow for
inlet and outlet
changing the cartridge.
changing the cartridge.
copper piping. The
• The recommended installation has a shut-off valve on both the
• The recommended installation has a shut-off valve on both the
it does not stress the pipes. The main house water shut-off
inlet and outlet
inlet and outlet
valve can be used as the inlet side shut-off valve.
copper piping. The
copper piping. The
it does not stress the pipes. The main house water shut-off
it does not stress the pipes. The main house water shut-off
valve can be used as the inlet side shut-off valve.
valve can be used as the inlet side shut-off valve.
10 gpm
10 gpm
10 gpm
30-90 psi
30-90 psi
30-90 psi
• For cold water use only.
• For cold water use only.
• For cold water use only.
• The contaminants or other substances removed
• The contaminants or other substances removed
• The contaminants or other substances removed
or reduced by this water treatment device are not
or reduced by this water treatment device are not
or reduced by this water treatment device are not
necessarily in your water. Ask your local water
necessarily in your water. Ask your local water
necessarily in your water. Ask your local water
municipality for a copy of their water analysis, or have
municipality for a copy of their water analysis, or have
municipality for a copy of their water analysis, or have
your water tested by a reputable water testing lab.
your water tested by a reputable water testing lab.
your water tested by a reputable water testing lab.
type, usage, and water conditions.
type, usage, and water conditions.
type, usage, and water conditions.
• Use only Pentair
replacement cartridges.
replacement cartridges.
replacement cartridges.
• Use only Pentair
• Use only Pentair
• This installation must comply with all
• This installation must comply with all
• This installation must comply with all
applicable state and local regulations.
applicable state and local regulations.
applicable state and local regulations.
• Use only plumber tape without adhesive backing to
• Use only plumber tape without adhesive backing to
• Use only plumber tape without adhesive backing to
seal joints. Do not use pipe compound (pipe dope),
seal joints. Do not use pipe compound (pipe dope),
seal joints. Do not use pipe compound (pipe dope),
sticks, or similar compounds with this unit; they
sticks, or similar compounds with this unit; they
sticks, or similar compounds with this unit; they
contain petroleum derivatives which will cause crazing
contain petroleum derivatives which will cause crazing
contain petroleum derivatives which will cause crazing
housing and components.
housing and components.
housing and components.
• After prolonged periods of non-use, such as a vacation, it
• After prolonged periods of non-use, such as a vacation, it
• After prolonged periods of non-use, such as a vacation, it
Let water run for 5–6 minutes before using.
• Do not use a torch near the unit.
Let water run for 5–6 minutes before using.
Let water run for 5–6 minutes before using.
• An activated carbon cartridge may contain a small amount
• Do not use a torch near the unit.
• Do not use a torch near the unit.
• An activated carbon cartridge may contain a small amount
• An activated carbon cartridge may contain a small amount
• Wear safety glasses during installation.
• Spent adsorption media will not be regenerated and used.
• Wear safety glasses during installation.
• Wear safety glasses during installation.
• If adsorption media is affected by chlorine,
• Spent adsorption media will not be regenerated and used.
• Spent adsorption media will not be regenerated and used.
• If adsorption media is affected by chlorine,
• If adsorption media is affected by chlorine,
Suggested installation (10" Filter Housing shown)
Suggested installation (10" Filter Housing shown)
Suggested installation (10" Filter Housing shown)
262.634.2386 | greatlakesintl.com