, , , , , Bistable OC outputs can be deactivated by sending a case sensitive SMS text message containing the respective
Access Code placed between pound (#) signs and Output Label (e.g. GATE) followed by =OFF, as follows:
Monostable Outputs (for appliance management)
Monostable OC outputs can be activated in 2 ways.
1. By sending a case sensitive SMS text message containing the respective Access Code placed between pound (#) signs
and Output Label followed by "=ON" or "=OFF", as follows:
2. By sending a cost-free call from a preset Remote Control number. The BGSM-I will activate the output concerned
without answering the call.
, , , , , Monostable OC outputs deactivate (switch OFF) automatically when the programmed ON Time expires.
, , , , , If the BGSM-I is to manage all the SMS functions, use a 32 K SIM CARD (or higher) which holds at least 20
text messages.
The SIM-CARD can be programmed via PC, using the BGSM-I Software Application from the Bentel Security Suite
software package.
WR %*60,
Fig. 3 - Null-Modem cable for programming via PC
(example: #AZ55#GATE=OFF)
WR 3&
BGSM-I z GSM Interface