B&W DM603 Manual Del Usuario página 3

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Thank; you for purchasing B&V
DM605 Senes speakers.
Since its 1 o
ndntion in 1566 tne continuing philosophy d B&W has been the quasi for perfect sound reptotHieiion, Inspires L<-y
IN-? company's rounder, Ihe ale John Bowers, Inis quest sms entailed not only high investment trt audio technology and
innovation bsj! algo an abiding appreciation of music to ensure teat She
is pul to ma* mum effect,
it la also our policy lo make sure Elm .advanced tenures pioneered on one product are incorporated into others we manufacture
DM600 Senas systems have cabinets with rounded edges lo reduce sound dd I'action ft ho re radiation ol sound waves horn
sharp edges thal interfere with and blur the direct dotted Mom Ih-e drive undai. Incorp-Ofstitig woven KeviedR ermp
basS/rmid range drive units lor lowest coin rati on and maximum delm,',don They also nave alloy dome tweeters with maqnc-uc
liu'd cooling ro ensure good definition ro ihe
mile ol audibility and maintain dynamics to high sound levels All those features
wore originally developed Tor the acclaimed B&W 600 Series systems an-d go towards me realisation qf Mne transducers.
HowQvor, no matter how good Elm speakers (liemsqlves they mu-ci work well into ihe listening room anti time spent on me
installation process w"i reap the reward ol many hours listening pleasure. Please read ihrough mis manual fully, I' will help you
optimist1 the performance pr your audio system
B&W distribute to over 50 countries world-wide and maintain a network ol dedicated distributors who will be able to help snouid
you have any problems your dealer cannot resolve.
i rig,ire t,
Fold the top carton Haps right Back and invert ihe carton and contents.
Lilt ihe carton clear of Ihe contents
Remove the inner packing horn the product.
4 .spike reel and ■! lock nuls .hf taped in recesses in one polystyrene end tray
2 foam plugs of dlirerpnl porosity arc located in the central rocass d one pclystyiane end tray
we suggesl you retain the packaging for future use.
(figures 2 a 3i
An connections snouid be made with me equipment turned on
There are two pairs ol gold plated terminals at the baoX o? each speaker, one pair to ihe bass unit and one pair to the tweeter
i midrange and tweeter n the case ol DMSChtj which pemui b< wiring of bl-ampiilicatnan if desired On, delivery. both pairs, ure
COfineCted tegeteer by h-gh-quality gold plated copper links tor use with a -
■ r gIr? twin cable
For single cable connection, conned eiiher ol the positive terminals on the speaker imarked + and coloured tent lo ihe positive
terminal on ihe power amplifier and negative {-. bteck) lo negative {figure 2) Failure to observe correct polarity wui result in
poor sound palance and image focusing
When br-wmng Ihe speakers, loosen the terminal caps and remove the links. Use a separate twin cable from the amplifier
terminals to each pair di speaker terminals {figure 5] Correct polarity connection ?s even more cinicai m this case lo maintain
the frequency response oi each speaker ae well ai. the correct balance belween leir and nght sneakers The use ol separate
cables can Improve the reproduction o! low-leva I del ail by reducing ini m tad ion in the crossove.! and allowing tip! I mum cho tee
er cable for each rr-eq?uen-cy range
Always make
all Ihe terminal caps are screwed down fight as otherwise they may ,aUte
When cheesing cable, keep the total electrical impedance (out end back!
below ihe maximum recommended in itie
seecificaEion In particular, [be cable to the Iwector should have low inductance, otburwiso Ihe very high frequencies, will be
attenuated Ask your dealer for advice, as the opi.mum cable will depend on ihe length requited
ifigun -M
Soma experiments Mon wdh Ihe pos hon ol the speakers is well worthwhile lo ophmsise the mteractian between then-, and ihe
listening roam Hawaver as an initial guide:
Do nut ht the spike teel until you have found Ihe besl position lof Ihe speakers
Place the speakers and ihe centre ol tee listening area approximately at the comets oJ an dqutlslerai iriangle
Keep Ihe speakers ol 'easl i
rn (
f|) apart to maintain tetr-rignt stereo separation
Keep- the speaker halfEes at least Q.£m {201 n) clear el walls, Having ihe speakers lee close to wails increases the level ol bass
relative to ihe midrang'e end may give a boomy quality to ihe sounc
Betere fine tunmg Ihe installation, double
|he polarity and security or ihe connections
II Ihe level of bass is uneven with Iraquancy, this is usually Cud lu strong excitation of resonance modes in She room. Even
small changes In ihe pnsiiitm oi ths speakers wiihm ihe listening room can have a profound eifeci on ihe perce veq
no nr.
quality by altering the excitalion pi These modes Try mounting the speakers along a dilferenl wail Evan mpvmg targe piece
ol lurmiuro about can have an sited
I* the general level ol bass is too high try moving me speakers lunher away from the wads Conversely
l you need more Bess,
move she speakers closet to ihe walls Space behind the speakers also improves rhe imptessmn m perspective cm wall recorded
if you cannot move ihe speakers ludher from the walls, the bass laves may be reduced by inserting one of Ihe team plugs
provided into Ihe port lubes The- higher Ihe density or foam used. Ihe more- rhe operation a! ihe port and Iherofort- the love
of bass, is reduced
ll teg central image is poor, sry moving the speakers close, toqoteer or looing thorn In so They point ai or just m from
listening area
If fie sound is too heteh increase Ihe amouni
sofl tarnishing in the :oem For example use heavier curtains Converse!,
reduce ihe amount of sdIe tarnishing d the sound is duitl and lifeless
Teel for Uniter echoes by crapping your hands and listening lor rapid repeiitrons These can smear tee sound, bus may be
reduced by irregular shaped surlacas such as bookshelves ano large pmces. ol furniture
Ensure the speakers stand tirmfy on ihe Moor Whenever .possible HI Ihe spike feel supplied aMei you have optimised tea
positioning These are designed to pierce- Ihrough carpeting to Ihe flopi surLace Initially, screw tee lock nuts fully onto [he
spikes and screw the spikes fully into the nraided inserts m ihn base ol ihe cabins? II ihe cob.rei rocks unscrew Ihe iwo

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