Stokke Flexi Bath X-Large Instrucciones De Uso página 3

• Children have drowned while bathing.
• Children can drown in as little as 2 cm of water in a
very short time.
• Always remain in contact with your child during
• Never leave your baby unattended in the bath, even
for a few moments. If you need to leave the room,
take the baby with you.
• Babies and young children are at risk of drowning
when being bathed.
• Never use the Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large on an
elevated surface.
• To avoid scalding by hot water, position the product
in such a way to prevent the child from reaching the
source of water.
• WARNING: The heat sensitive plug is solely intended
as an additional indicator of the water temperature
and should never replace caregiver vigilance. Always
check the water temperature with your hands prior
to placing your child in the tub.
• Always check the stability of the product before use.
• Discontinue the use the product if any component
becomes damaged, broken or disassembled.
• Do not use replacement parts or accessories other
than those approved by the manufacturer.
• Use only water and children's soap and shampoo in
the Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large. Do not add baby
oil or any other liquids to the water. Prolonged/
extensive use of such liquids may damage the soft
plastic (TPE).
• After using and emptying the tub product, it is
important to rinse with water to remove any
remaining residue from soap or other bathing
products, before wiping the tub with a soft cloth
and folding it for storage.
Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large User Guide
• Always ensure the attachment device(s) of Stokke®
Flexi Bath® Newborn Support are correctly fitted to
the bath tub.
• Note: Except Stokke® Flexi Bath® Bundle pack,
the Stokke® Flexi Bath® Newborn Support is sold
• Only use Stokke® Newborn Support with Stokke®
Flexi Bath® / Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large
• Always check the attachment and the stability
of Stokke® Flexi Bath® Newborn Support on the
Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large.
• When Stokke® Flexi Bath® Newborn Support
assembly with Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large, the
symbol "
" is used to indicate the
maximum level of water to be used, the Stokke®
Newborn Support can be used up to when your
child can sit unaided.
• This product shall be installed by adult only.
• NEVER lift this product with infant in it.
• NEVER place this product in water in an adult bath
tub or sink.
• ALWAYS keep the drain open in the adult bath tub
or sink.
• NEVER allow other children to substitute for adult
• WARNING: Do not let other children play with this
• Be aware of the extra risk of accidents with children
in the vulnerable age of under 12 months.
• The lifetime of the heat sensitive plug is limited, and
it shall be replaced after 2 years.
Product information
• This product can be used from approximately 0-6 years.
• Fill the Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large with water. Never fill the
Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large with more water than 2/3 of the
capacity of the bath tub. If used with the Stokke® Flexi Bath®
Newborn Support, never fill water above the maximum water
level indication on the Stokke® Flexi Bath® Newborn Support.
• Always test the temperature of the water in the Stokke® Flexi
Bath® X-Large before you put your child in it. The typical
water temperature for bathing a baby should be between
90-100°F / 32,2-37,8°C.
• Do not lift the Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large by the closing
• With proper use the closing mechanism will last the entire
life span of the bath tub.
• Children should never stand up in the Stokke® Flexi Bath®
X-Large as it may result in falls or injuries.
• Children should never lean or stand on the sides of the
Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large when it is in use as this may
result in the child being injured, the bath tub turning over or
• Do not bite or put the plug or closing mechanism of the tub
in your mouth. Be careful not to scratch yourself on the clos-
ing mechanism.
• Always place the Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large over a drain
and remove the plug in the tub to drain water. Children must
always remain under adult supervision when the bath tub is
being used.
• After using and emptying the tub product, it is important to
rinse with water to remove any remaining residue from soap
or other bathing products, before wiping the tub with a soft
cloth and folding it for storage.
• Always check the stability of the product before use.
• Discontinue the use the product if any component becomes
damaged, broken or disassembled.
• Do not use replacement parts or accessories other than those
approved by the manufacturer.
• To prevent the folded Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large from
opening up during transportation and causing injuries, fur-
ther secure the tub with a rope, tape or elastic band.
Drain plug
Please do not leave the plug unprotected in the sun, this could
lead to product damages.
‫تحذير – خطر الغرق‬
‫هام يرجى الق ر اءة بعناية واالحتفاظ به للرجوع‬
‫إليه مستقبال‬
‫لقد غرق أطفال من قبل أثناء االستحامم‬
‫ميكن أن يغرق األطفال في مقدار بسيط من امالء‬
.ً ‫يبلغ ٢ سم وفي وقت قصري جد ا‬
‫يجب دامئ ا ً وضع الطفل بحيث يستطيع الشخص‬
.‫الكبير الوصول إليه بسهولة‬
‫ال تترك طفلك بدون رقابة في حوض االستحامم ولو‬
‫للحظات معدودة. إذا كنت في حاجة لترك الغرفة‬
.‫فخذ طفلك معك‬
Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large User Guide
‫الرضع وصغار األطفال معرضون لخطر الغرق عند‬
Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large ‫ال تستخدم أب د ً ا‬
‫على سطح مرتفع‬
‫لتجنب االحت ر اق بسبب امالء الساخن يرجى وضع‬
.‫املنتج بطريقة متنع الطفل من الوصول ملصدر امالء‬
‫تستخدم السدادة الحساسة للح ر ارة كمؤشر‬
ً ‫إضافي لدرجة ح ر ارة امالء فقط ويجب أال تكون بدي ال‬
‫عن يقظة املسؤول عن الرعاية. تحقق دامئ ا ً من‬
‫درجة ح ر ارة امالء بيديك قبل وضع طفلك في حوض‬
.‫يرجى التحقق دامئ ا ً من ثبات املنتج قبل االستخدام‬
‫توقف عن استخدام المنتج إذا ما أصبح أي من‬
.‫المكونات تالفا أو مكسو ر ا أو مفككا‬
‫ال تستخدم قطع الغيار أو امللحقات غري تلك‬
‫املعتمدة من الشركة المصنعة‬
‫استخدم فقط الماء وصابون وشامبو األطفال في‬
‫. وال تضف زيت‬Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large
‫أطفال أو أي سوائل أخرى إلى امالء. حيث إن‬
‫االستخدام املمتد/املطول ملثل هذه السوائل قد‬
.)TPE( ‫يتلف البالستيك الناعم‬
‫بعد استخدام الحوض وتفريغه، من املهم شطف‬
‫الحوض بامالء إل ز الة أية بقايا من الصابون أو منتجات‬
‫االستحامم األخرى، ثم يتم تنشيف الحوض بقطعة‬
.‫قامش ناعمة وطيه لتخزينه‬
Stokke® ‫تأكد دائما من أن األج ز اء الملحقة للمنتج‬
‫ حديثي الوالدة‬Flexi Bath® Newborn Support
.‫مثبتة بالشكل الصحيح في حوض االستحمام‬
‫مالحظة: فيما عدا العبوة الخاصة بمجموعة المنتج‬
Stokke® Flexi Bath® ‫®، يباع‬Stokke® Flexi Bath
.‫ حديثي الوالدة بصورة منفصلة‬Newborn Support
‫ حديثي‬Stokke® Newborn Support ‫استخدم فقط‬
Stokke® Flexi Bath® /Stokke® Flexi ‫الوالدة مع‬
Bath® X-Large
Stokke® Flexi ‫تأكد دائما من تثبيت واستق ر ار‬
‫ حديثي الوالدة للمنتج‬Bath® Newborn Support
. Stokke® Flexi Bath® X-Large
Stokke® Flexi Bath® Newborn ‫ععند تجميع‬
Stokke® ‫ حديثي الوالدة مع المنتج‬Support
‫، فإنه يتم استخدام الرمز‬Flexi Bath® X-Large
‫» لإلشارة إلى أعلى مستوى‬