It is not possible to synchronise the cooking zones subsequently while the device
is operati ng.
Stand-By Mode
When the POWER button is pressed, the control panel is activated. If the device is
not operating and no button is pressed for 10 minutes, the device switches to
stand-by mode.
• Generally no oil or only a small amount of oil (2 to 3 teaspoons) is required for preparing
• Very light pieces of food could be swirled around by the circulati ng air. If necessary, we
recommend sti cking them together with toothpicks or a similar object.
• The cooking ti me is dependent on the size and quanti ty of the food and on the temperature.
However, in general the cooking ti me is shorter than in a conventi onal oven. Start with a
shorter cooking ti me and gradually increase it if required.
• Mix the food around from ti me to ti me or turn it with plasti c or wood- en tongs to obtain
an even cooking result.
• Check the conditi on of the food in be- tween ti mes and, if it is cooked, switch off the
device, even if the programme has not yet finished.
Please Note!
• Check the device and the connecti ng cable for damage each ti me before putti ng it into
operati on. Use the device only if it is undamaged and in working order.
• Never place the device on a so� surface. The venti lati on openings on the bott om of the
device must not be covered.
• Ensure there is sufficient clear space on all sides. Do not place the device below kitchen
wall units or similar cupboards. The rising steam could cause damage to them!
• Only connect the device to a plug socket that is properly installed and matches the
technical data of the device. The plug socket must also be readily accessible a� er connecti on
so that the connecti on to the mains can quickly be isolated.
• Do not use any extension cables.