Make sure you insert the ba� eries correctly into the ba� ery charger so that the plus and
minus poles of the ba� ery face the same direc� on as the marked plus and minus poles on
the ba� ery charger.
Step 2: Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
Connect the charger to the wall outlet of a DC 5 V power supply with the provided
USB cable. The corresponding green LED indicator starts fl ashing during charging. The
USB cable. The corresponding green LED indicator starts fl ashing during charging. The
USB cable. The corresponding green LED indicator starts fl ashing during charging. The
USB cable. The corresponding green LED indicator starts fl ashing during charging. The
USB cable. The corresponding green LED indicator starts fl ashing during charging. The
recommended specifi ca� ons for the adapter are 5 V, 1,5 A with 7,5 W.
recommended specifi ca� ons for the adapter are 5 V, 1,5 A with 7,5 W.
recommended specifi ca� ons for the adapter are 5 V, 1,5 A with 7,5 W.
recommended specifi ca� ons for the adapter are 5 V, 1,5 A with 7,5 W.
recommended specifi ca� ons for the adapter are 5 V, 1,5 A with 7,5 W.
recommended specifi ca� ons for the adapter are 5 V, 1,5 A with 7,5 W.
recommended specifi ca� ons for the adapter are 5 V, 1,5 A with 7,5 W.
Step 3: When charging is complete, the green light will illuminate con� nuously. Discon-
When charging is complete, the green light will illuminate con� nuously. Discon-
When charging is complete, the green light will illuminate con� nuously. Discon-
When charging is complete, the green light will illuminate con� nuously. Discon-
When charging is complete, the green light will illuminate con� nuously. Discon-
When charging is complete, the green light will illuminate con� nuously. Discon-
When charging is complete, the green light will illuminate con� nuously. Discon-
When charging is complete, the green light will illuminate con� nuously. Discon-
nect the charger and remove the ba� eries. Note: It is normal for ba� eries to become
nect the charger and remove the ba� eries. Note: It is normal for ba� eries to become
nect the charger and remove the ba� eries. Note: It is normal for ba� eries to become
nect the charger and remove the ba� eries. Note: It is normal for ba� eries to become
nect the charger and remove the ba� eries. Note: It is normal for ba� eries to become
nect the charger and remove the ba� eries. Note: It is normal for ba� eries to become
nect the charger and remove the ba� eries. Note: It is normal for ba� eries to become
nect the charger and remove the ba� eries. Note: It is normal for ba� eries to become
warm during charging and gradually cool down a� er they are fully charged. See the table
warm during charging and gradually cool down a� er they are fully charged. See the table
warm during charging and gradually cool down a� er they are fully charged. See the table
warm during charging and gradually cool down a� er they are fully charged. See the table
warm during charging and gradually cool down a� er they are fully charged. See the table
below regarding the status of ba� eries through the LED indicator.
below regarding the status of ba� eries through the LED indicator.
below regarding the status of ba� eries through the LED indicator.
below regarding the status of ba� eries through the LED indicator.
below regarding the status of ba� eries through the LED indicator.
While charging
While charging
Ready with charging
LED Indicator
Posi� ve (+)
Nega� ve (-)
Nega� ve (-)
Nega� ve (-)
LED indicator
LED indicator
LED indicator
LED indicator
Flashing green light
Flashing green light
Con� nuous green light