Used products are to be disposed of in accordance with the national regulations, waste manage-
ment plans, or clinical procedures governing biohazardous waste materials, e.g. the direct disposal
in a tear and moisture resistant secure bag or container, which is routed to the local waste disposal
system for contaminated medical products.
For further recommendations, contact your hygiene officer in health facilities, or the local waste
management for homecare use.
Returns and Complaints
Returned products, that have been used, will only be accepted if TRACOE has agreed to the return
and a completed decontamination certificate with complaint report is enclosed with the device.
These forms are available either directly from TRACOE medical, or via the website www.tracoe.com.
If the device is involved in a reportable incident, as defined in local medical device legislation,
please contact TRACOE medical (
[email protected]), and the appropriate regulatory body
in the country of use.
Supplementary Products
TRACOE vario Tracheostomy Tubes with Minimally Traumatic Insertion System are also available
as TRACOE experc Set (REF 420 – REF 425) in combination with TRACOE experc Dilation Set
(REF 520).
The TRACOE percutan Seldinger Guide Wire is part of the above-mentioned sets. It is also avail-
able separately with guiding catheter (REF 517) or without guiding catheter (REF 518).
Recommended Products
Syringes with standard male Luer connector
Cuff pressure monitors for HVLP cuffs with standard male Luer connector (e.g. TRACOE
cuff pressure monitor REF 720)
TRACOE smart Cuff Manager (REF 730 and REF 730-5)
TRACOE Lubricating Gel (REF 677) and other sterile water-soluble lubricating gels for tra-
cheostomy applications
Neck straps (e.g. REF 903-F, REF 903-E, and REF 903-D)
Disconnecting wedges for tracheostomy / endotracheal tubes with 15 mm connectors
TRACOE technic connection tubes including Luer connector with integrated check valve
Humid Moist Exchangers (HME) with a standard male 15 mm connector
Optional Products
Speaking valves and occlusion caps with a standard male 15 mm connector
TRACOE tube clean cleaning kit (REF 930-A / -B), including TRACOE tube clean cleaning
powder (REF 932)
TRACOE tube clean cleaning swabs (REF 935, and REF 936), and TRACOE tube clean
cleaning brushes (REF 938-A/-B/-C, and REF 940-A/-B/-C/-D)
TRACOE care Shower Guard (REF 915)
Dressings and compresses
TRACOE care Protective Bibs (REF 919-A, -B, -C)
TRACOE care Protective Scarves (REF 921-A to -E)
TRACOE care Protective Roll-Necks (REF 923-A to -G)