11. Weekly Timer 1
Up to 4 timer settings can be saved for each day of the week.
It is conventent if the WEEKLY TIMER is set according to the
user's life style.
O timer setting of timer setting 1
Di erent timer settings can be setted by repeating step 3 to 4.
Other days in one week can be setted by repeating step 2 to 5.
The weekly timer setting can be returned to the previous step by
pressing Back button.The time of timer setting can be delete by pressing
Day o botton The current setting will be restored and withdrawn the weekly
timer setting automatically when there is no operation for 30 seconds.
Press the button "
and then press the Con rm button to con rm the setting.
ex.Tuesday time scale 1
" or "
" to set the time of O timer
ex.Tuesday time scale 1