How it works
Depressing the pedal equates to continually increasing the welding current.
Depending on the starting current time setup parameter, the remote control may
be operated in the following ways:
Starting current time = off
Starting current, main current, reduced current and final current as well as the
duration of the currents are controlled solely by the welder actuating the pedal.
The further the pedal is depressed, the more current is available.
Starting current time = 0.01 - 30.0 s
The remote control specifies a percentage value of the set welding current ac-
cording to the pedal position.
Starting current, UpSlope and starting current time are set on the power
When the pedal is actuated, the welding process begins with the set starting
current and UpSlope.
The main current is reached at the end of the set UpSlope. The main current
can be changed using the pedal.
Pedal not actuated (0%)
... corresponds to the minimum current
of the power source
0 %
Pedal fully depressed (100%)
... corresponds to the welding current
set on the power source
100 %