To activate this function, you need to carry out two operations. The first involves
connecting the SWITCH CONNECT box to the LivePool internet server and the second is
to connect the SWITCH CONNECT to your home's internet access point. We recommend
that you carry out remote access configuration by plugging the SWITCH CONNECT
into the mains using a socket (not supplied). The domestic Wi-Fi network must be set to
Depending on your installation, only carry out step 1 or step 2:
1. Configuration of the internet connection with a LivePool PLC (reference LPEXT):
Open the LivePool application, choose local connection mode, open settings from the
homepage and select the configuration menu. Once you are in the menu, access the
section on internet access point, press the button that allows you to read the QR code
of the LivePool PLC, scan the QR code of your installation's PLC and press the "connect
to internet" button. Close the application, then turn off the SWITCH CONNECT before
turning it back on again.
2. Configuration of internet connection using home Wi-Fi network:
Open the LivePool application, choose local connection mode, go to the settings page
from the homepage and select the configuration menu. Once you are in the menu,
access the section on internet access point, type in the name and password of your
internet access point (Wi-Fi) and press the "connect to internet" button. Turn the SWITCH
CONNECT off and back on again. The password must not be longer than 19 characters.
Close your LivePool application then open it again in internet connection mode: you will
now be able to control your SWITCH CONNECT remotely.