To prevent the risk of fire no combustible material shall be used for finishings;
Install the unit in a well ventilated area, preferably in a room with windows should it be necessary to air the room;
Avoid placing any items near the unit that may block the smoke outlet and the air intake damper of the unit;
The tubing must be sealed with refractory material (glue);
The floor on which the unit will stand must be able to support a permanent load of 1kg/cm² and must not be flammable. If
the load capacity of the floor is insufficient or presents a combustion risk, a solid plate can be used to distribute the load over
an area larger than the unit's base (it is recommended that the plate is at least 15cm larger at the unit's sides and back and
30cm at the front side);
Do not place drapes, furniture, clothing or other combustibles near the unit while it is operating.
Warning: Installation must be performed by a qualified professional person.
Instructions for Use
Warning: all regulations and standards must be complied with when installing this unit.
Please do not touch the surface of the equipment during the 1st firing
Likely to damage the paint and burn hazard
The ink curing is carried out during the first 40 - 50 minutes yielding a small fumes are
Use firewood only in Redpod units;
The unit supports wood logs up to 45cm (RIVER LINE) and 40cm long (NEW LINE);
The firewood water content must not exceed 20%;
If the firewood has a water content of 50%-60% it will not properly burn, resulting in a low combustion and building up
creosote and sediments that together with excessive water vapour may cause failures over time;
Briquettes may be used;
The unit should not be used as an incinerator, nor should other materials such as coal, painted wood, varnishes, thinners,
liquid fuels, glues or plastics be used.
Before lighting the unit the air intake must be fully open. If required and only when combustion starts, leaving the ash drawer
slightly open will help your fire start more rapidly. Immediately close it after combustion starts;
Place kindling wood and fire lighters on the ash grate (firewood must be piled horizontally) and then light the unit;
Allow it to burn for a few minutes until the fire is started and the burning coal becomes incandescent; open the door and load
between 1-1.5kg of medium-sized wood onto the burning coal;
The lighting period is over when the body of the unit has reached a constant temperature. Follow the steps below;
When your wood has begun to burn strongly, close the ash drawer (if applicable) adjust your air intake control down to keep
the fire at a moderate level;
Refuel the unit with a wood load between 1.8-3.3kg for approximately 45 minutes to reach the unit rated output. This should
be done before the previous load has fully burned down;