GE WNRD20S0 Manual Del Propietário página 10

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Before gou call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips
Possible Causes
What To Do
Too mang suds
Tgpe of detergent
• Switch to HEdetergent.
Very soft water
• Try less detergent.
Too much detergent
• Meosure your detergent corefully. Use less soop if you
hove soft woter, o smoller Iood or o lightly soiled Iood.
Water leaks
Fill hoses or drain hose is
• Moke sure hose connections ore tight ot foucets ond
improperly connected
ot wosher.
Moke sure end of droin hose is properly connected
to wosher ond correctly inserted in ond secured to
droin focility.
Household drain may
• Check household plumbing. You moy need to call a
be clogged
Constant water pressure
• Tighten hoses ot the foucets ond turn the woter off offer
to the fill hoses at the
eoch use.
water source
• Check condition of the fill hoses;they should be reploced
every 5 yeors.
Using too much detergent
• Use less detergent. Use less soop if you hove soft woter, o
in washer
smaller load or o lightly soiled load.
Water temperature
Cooler water temperatures
• New Ioundry detergents hove been formuloted to work
seems incorrect
provide improved energy
with cooler woter temperotures without offecting wosh
Control is not set properly
• Check cycle selection ond odjust.
Water supply is turned off
• Turn both hot ond cold foucets fully on ond moke sure
or improperly connected
hoses ore connected to correct foucets.
Water valve screensare
• Turnoff the woter sourceond remove the woter connection
stopped up
hosesfrom the upper bock of the wosher.Useo brush or
toothpick to cleonthe screensin the mochine. Reconnect
the hoses ond turn the woter bock on.
House water heater is
• Hoke sure house woter heoter is delivering woter
not set properly
ot 120°F-140°F (48°C-60°C).
All the water in your household
• Wok until the woter in the woter heoter is heoted to the
water heater has been used
correct temperoture.
Water pumped out
Lid lifted or cycle was put in
• Resetcycle.
before cgcle is complete
pause for over 24 hours
Water won't drain
Drain hose is kinked or
• Stroighten droin hose ond moke sure wosher is not sitting
improperly connected
on it.
Top of droin outlet should be less thon 6 ft (1.8m)
obove floor.
in spin cgcle
spin cgcle
Sproy rinse during o spin cycle is normol.