It is very important to understand that the circuit you are creating
follows the laws of physics and electricity. A cable transmitter creates
an electrical current (AC) that travels down the cable, through
grounding to the earth, and then back to the transmitter through the
ground stake. The tracing signal will always travel on the path of least
resistance. If there is too much resistance or no circuit path, no current
will flow and no locating will be possible. So, keep in mind that when
a signal is heard, it is because the signal has a complete path that is
creating an electrically friendly way for the signal to travel back to the
transmitter. The signal doesn't just randomly wander through the dirt.
It follows a path provided for it, whether it is a pipe, wire, reinforcing
bar, etc.
It is also important to note that in tracing circuits, a return path needs
to be present. Basically, the return path completes the circuit. In most
cases, this will be the earth ground as the signal transmits down the
cable and returns to the ground stake. However, any return is possible,
so a common wire could work. Or if you have a looped wire, like a dog
fence, the loop itself returns to the start and therefore provides a
'ground' instead of the ground stake. You don't have to use a ground
stake, but you do have to give the signal a way to return to the
Power – The Pro881™ transmitter uses 8 "D" (LR20) alkaline batteries
that are installed inside the transmitter battery compartment.
Remove the battery compartment cover and install the batteries,
paying particular attention to the positive and negative poles.
A 9-volt square (6LR61) alkaline or lithium battery is needed for the
Pro881™ receiver. It is important that the 9V battery is either alkaline
or lithium. Do not use a zinc carbon 9V battery. To install this battery,
remove the battery compartment cover located on the back top
portion of the Pro881™ receiver with a blade screwdriver. Install the
9V battery by connecting it to the battery snap boot inside the battery