Ama Luxury Shower SIRIO SIR59017 Manual De Montaje, Uso Y Mantenimiento página 11

SIRIO (SIR59017)
sostanze. A tal fine è possibile applicare dei prodotti specifici per effettuare una passivazione
sull'acciaio inossidabile;
- soprattutto le superfici satinate o verniciate sono facilmente attaccabili da detergenti acidi e
granulosi, da spugne ruvide o pagliette in metallo. I prodotti verniciati sono adatti sia ad ambienti
interni sia ad ambienti esterni; ad ogni modo l'integrità della verniciatura dipende da diversi fattori e
richiede un'ulteriore cura ed attenzione da parte dell'acquirente;
- per le parti acriliche non usare detersivi a base di alcool, disinfettanti o altri solventi, ma pulire
usando gli stessi prodotti usati per le parti in acciaio inox;
- per rimuovere sporco e macchie di calcare, è sufficiente pulire i prodotti AMA LUXURY SHOWER con
acqua e sapone o prodotti specifici per superfici inox, sciacquare con acqua pulita ed asciugare con
un panno asciutto.
Congratulations for purchasingan AMA LUXURY SHOWER product.
It is a quality item built to last over time and keep its beauty unchanged. For the realization of each
AMA LUXURY SHOWER product, high quality materials are used: AISI 316L stainless steel, powder
coated AISI 304 stainless steel and thick chromed brass.
Before proceeding with installation, it is advisable to carefully read the instructions below relating to
assembly, correct use and necessary care of the product, keeping this sheet as a reference for any
AMA LUXURY SHOWER products have a three-year warranty from the date of purchase, against
defects in materials and processing.
The guarantee therefore does not cover:
-components subject to normal wear, such as aerators, O-rings, cartridges, nozzles;
-damage deriving from improper use or incorrect assembly;
-damage resulting from poor maintenance (use of improper cleaning products, limescale and other
debris present in the water pipes);
-damage resulting from unauthorized third party interventions or due to the use ofnon-original AMA
LUXURY SHOWER spare parts.
Thanks to the presence of a lasered QR code on each product, it is possible to trace the testing and
shipping date, as well as the proof of purchase (order confirmation, packing list etc.).
In the event of problems covered by the warranty, the buyer, after checking the existing problems
with AMA customer service, and having agreedthe return authorization in written form, can return the
product duly packaged and protected to the manufacturer.
AMA LUXURY SHOWER will, at its sole discretion, repair the defect or replace the product free of
If the guarantee cannot be applied, the manufacturer will agree what to do with the customer.
Shipping, testing and costs for any interventions not covered by the warranty will be entirely paid by
the customer.
Although not explicitly stated on this sheet, the reference is to the General Conditions of Sale of the
AMA Luxury Shower Price List valid at that moment.
Before to install the AMA LUXURYSHOWER product, it is essential to make sure that the inside of the
pipes is perfectly clean, i.e. there is no limestone, sand or other foreign bodies.
AMA LUXURY SHOWER SRL / E-mail: [email protected] Tel. +39 030 5231508 / Lumezzane (BS) - ITALIA