If the set wind speed value is exceeded for more than 3 seconds, a retraction signal is sent to the receiver. The awning retracts.
If the awning has retracted automatically, the sensor will not measure the wind speed for 1 minute.
If the wind speed is continuously exceeded, the sensor sends a retraction signal every 3 minutes. The wind
speed on the sensor must not exceed level 2.
חIf the brightness level set for the sun is exceeded for more than 2 minutes, an output signal is sent to the receiver.
חThe awning will then extend.
חIf the brightness level set for the sun is not reached for more than 15 minutes, a retract signal is sent to the receiver.
חThe awning will then retract.
If the set brightness value is continually exceeded, a signal is sent to the blind every 5 minutes. After 20
signal transmissions, the transmission is stopped.
To ensure correct operation of the wind and sun sensor, the following points must be noted:
חThe sensor must be placed above the awning.
חThe sensor must be mounted in such a way that the solar surface is facing upwards and the wind sensor is absolutely
balanced and in a vertical position.
חThe sensor and solar surfaces must be cleaned regularly so that the measurements are not affected.
חThe sensor's operation should be tested at least every six months. Especially after a storm and after the winter period
חThe sensor should be set to level "1" for class 1 winds and to maximum level "2" for class 2 winds. If the awning has a higher
wind class, the wind sensor should be set to the maximum value according to the maximum wind speed (km/h).
חThe sunlight sensor should be set at the minimum level "2" (brightness setting for summer).
חThe wind and sunlight sensors work together; it is not technically possible to disable one of the two sensors.
חTo prevent the sensor from opening or closing the awning, it should be set to the two lowest values, i.e. Wind 0 / Sun 0 or
Wind 1 / Sun 0.
חIn case of prolonged absence or going on holiday, it is recommended to disconnect the wind/sun sensor.
If the set wind intensity is exceeded, solar radiation is not measured. If the wind intensity is lower than the
set sunlight level, a signal is emitted after one minute.
If you do not follow the recommended settings, the wind/sun parameters may overlap, depending on the weather conditions.
In some cases, this can cause the awning to extend and retract arbitrarily as a result of the conflicting parameters, particularly
during stormy weather. If this happens over an extended period of time, the motor circuit-breaker may shut down due to
overheating. To avoid such situations, please pay close attention to the parameters mentioned in the previous points. In
particular, the "sunlight" value must not be less than "3". In case of failure due to different settings, incorrect handling,
incorrect connections and the resulting damage, the product cannot be held responsible.