Agri-Fab 45-0603 Manual De Instrucciones página 2

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Remember, any equipment can cause injury if operated improperly or if the user does not understand how to operate the
equipment. Exercise caution at all times when using this equipment.
LooK For THIS SyMBoL To poInT ouT
IMporTanT SaFeTy preCauTIonS. IT
MeanS - aTTenTIon! BeCoMe aLerT!
your SaFeTy IS InVoLVeD.
Exercise caution at all times when using power equipment.
Read this owners manual carefully for operating and service instructions before attempting to assemble or operate this
equipment. Be thoroughly familiar with the proper use of this equipment.
2. Read the vehicle owners manual and vehicle safety rules, and know how to operate the vehicle before using this
3. Never allow children to operate the tractor or sprayer, and do not allow adults to operate without proper instructions.
4. Do not allow anyone to ride on or sit on this sprayer.
5. Keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularly small children, and also pets.
6. Read the chemical label before handling or mixing chemicals.
Wear eye and hand protection and protective clothing when handling and applying lawn chemicals.
8. Do not spray on windy days.
9. Always begin with the transmission in first (low) gear and engine at low speed, and gradually increase speed as
conditions permit.
10. The vehicle braking and stability may be affected with the attachment of this equipment. Be aware of changing
conditions on slopes. Refer to safety rules in the vehicle owner's manual concerning safe operation on slopes. STay
oFF oF STeep SLopeS.
11. Always operate up and down a slope, never across the face of a slope
12. This equipment should be operated at reduced speed on rough terrain, along creeks and ditches and on hillsides, to
prevent tipping and loss of control. Do not drive too close to a creek or a ditch.
13. Do not tow this equipment on a highway or any other public thoroughfare.
14. Follow the maintenance instructions as outlined in this owners manual.
SaFeTy ruLeS
CauTIon: VeHICLe BraKInG anD
THe aDDITIon oF an aCCeSSory
or an aTTaCHMenT. Be aWare oF
CHanGInG ConDITIonS on SLopeS.