Children under 2 years old should stay away from this product. Children 2 years old
or more should not see the screen for more than 1 hour.
• 請勿拆解、鑿孔或損壞裝置或電池。
• 請勿取出或嘗試取出使用者不可自行更換的電池。
• 請勿將電池曝露於火焰、爆炸或其他危險中。
• 請勿使用尖銳物品取出電池。
Battery warning:
This device uses a lithium-ion battery.
If the following guidelines are not followed, the life of the lithium-ion battery in the
device may be shortened or there is a risk of damage to the device, fire, chemical
burn, electrolyte leakage and / or injury.
• Do not disassemble, puncture or damage the device or battery.
• Do not remove or try to remove the battery that the user cannot replace.
• Do not expose the battery to flames, explosions or other hazards.
• Do not use sharp objects to remove the battery.