DKN technology RB-5 Manual Del Usuario página 22

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  • ES

Idiomas disponibles

  • ESPAÑOL, página 28
14.   I nstal l   consol e  group.
C l ose  to  the  upper  pol e  assem bl y  i s  the  consol e  group  [ ( 15) ] .   O ne  person  hol ds  the 
Anweisungen – Guidelines – Instrucciones – Instrucciones – Conseils – Tips
consol e  group,   and  the  other  person  hol ds  the  si gnal   l i nes  ( I )   and  ( i ) ,   ( J)   and  ( j ) ,   ( K )   and 
( k) ,   ( L)   and  ( l ) ,   ( M )   and  ( m )   are  connected.   A fter  the  connecti on  i s  com pl eted,   the  w i re 
term i nal s  are  i nserted  i nto  the  ci rcul ar  hol e  of  the  consol e  assem bl y  together  to  avoi d 
Das Gerät ist wartungsfrei ausgestattet. Wir empfehlen eine regelmäßige Inspektion ob alle Verbin-
the  i nstal l ati on  pressi ng  to  the  l i ne.   Fi nal l y,   the  consol e  group  ( 15)   i s  affi xed  to  the  upper 
dungsteile fest sitzen und in einwandfreiem Zustand sind alle drei Monate.
col um n  assem bl y  ( 11)   to  i nstal l   si l ver  and  gol d,   and  four  hol es  are  al i gned.   The  consol e 
group  ( 15)   i s  l ocked  by  sel f- tappi ng  screw   #8- 18*16( 24)   w i th  four  cross  grooved  di sc 
This exerciser is pre-lubricated. We recommend a periodic inspection that all connecting elements
are tight fit and in the correct condition every three months.
Esta bicicleta viene pre-lubricada. Recomendamos una inspeccion periodica que todos los elemen-
tos están en buena condición cada tres meses.
Ce vélo d'appartement est pré-lubrifié. Toutefois, l'entretien est indispensable. C'est pourquoi il est
nécessaire d'effectuer un contrôle tous les trois mois que l'état de l'appareil est bon et que l'assem-
blage des pièces est solide.
Questo bike è re-lubrificati. Raccomandiamo un controllo periodico che tutte le giunture siano ben
strette ed in buone condizioni.
Deze hometrainer is onderhoudsvrij. We raden een periodieke inspectie aan (drie maandelijks) en
na te kijken of alle moeren en bouten stevig vast zijn.
Denna träningscykelär utrustad med ett försmordt, lågt underhållssystem. Vi rekommenderar en
regelbunden inspektion att alla kopplingselement är tätt passade och i rätt skick var tredje månad.
Stabilizing your bike on an uneven surface:
The front footpads are fixed and not adjustable.
The  front  tw o  are  fi xed  footpads,   w hi ch  are  not  adj ustabl e.   I f  the  w hol e  m achi ne  i s  not 
If the floor is not level, adjust the bike with the back-end adjusting footpad until the machine is
stabl e,   pl ease  adj ust  i t  w i th  the  back- end  adj usti ng  footpad  unti l   the  m achi ne  i s  stabl e.
Front-end fixed footpad
RB-5.indd 22
Smooth ground
Rear adjustable footpad
12/19/2020 5:40:55 PM

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