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3.8 Personality
Enter the [PERSONALITY] mode to select DMX mode:
[TOUR], [ARC.2] [AR2.D], [AR2.S]
[HSV], [TR16], [AR2.Z], [FULL], [P|X1], [P|X2].
3.9 Editing custom programs
Enter the [EDIT] mode to edit the custom programs
[PR.01] to [PR.10]
Each custom program has 30 steps that can be edited.
Each step allows the creation of a scene using RED [Red],
[Blue], WHITE [White], ZOOM [Zoom], STRB [Strb], TIME
[Time] & FADE [Fade]

3.10 Special settings

[SET]...this menu allows the user to adjust key operation
settings for this fixture.
[KEY] [ON] for automatic lock-out. Password
to re-enter the display is <UP> + <DOWN> + <UP> +
Select [UPLD] to upload the custom programs from the
current MASTER unit to the SLAVE units.
In order to reset custom modes to default values se-
lect [REST].
[COLOR] is for activate/unactivate the color calibra-
tion functions. When [RGBW] is selected, on RGB =
255,255,255, the color is displayed as calibrated in
When [COLR] is set [OFF], on RGB = 255,255,255, the RGB
values are not adjusted and the output is most powerful.
When [UC] is selected, the RGB output are adjusted to a
standard preset universal color which balances fixtures
from different generations.
Select [DIM1], [DIM2],[DIM3] or [DIM4] for different dim-
ming speeds. ([DIM4] is the slowest dimming speed)
[DERR] Choose [Save] in order to save the last DMX data
incase of DMX signal error. Choose [Black] in order to
blackout in case of DMX signal error.
[ZOOM] Calibrate the position of POS1&POS2. Set posi-
tion as 0 for smallest zoom position. Select BASE for de-
fault zoom position (zoom=0)
[STRB] This fixture allows for two different strobe per-
sonality settings, [CLAS] strobe2 or [SPEC] strobe1. The
[STRB] settings are only valid in the DMX personalities
[TOUR], [AR2.S] and [TR16]
3.11 Balance parameters and correction
menu display
Press [MENU] button to enter the password confirmation, to
enter the correct password <UP + DOWN + UP + DOWN > Key,
press the [MENU] in, the correct password will enter show
Enter the [CAL1] to select white color of different color
There are 11 pre-programmed White colors can be edit-
ed by using [Red], [Green], [Blue] & [White].
Enter the [CAL2] to adjust the RGB parameter to make
different whites.
When the new settings is activated, the DMX controller
choose RGB =255,255,255 the white color will be made
by the actual RGB values on the [CAL2].
p. 7
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