The control unit signals INFO module. The INFO module's lowest seven LEDs
stop flashing if it successfully learns the control unit's identity.
4. At the 7500r press YES if the INFO module LEDs stop flashing.
5. Fit a jumper to a pair of partition select pins. This takes the module out of learn mode.
To allocate the module to a particular partition, fit a jumper to the corresponding jumper
select pins. "P1" on the PCB is partition 1.
If you have not carried out a radio site survey, then make sure you check the received sig-
nal strength, see Testing.
If you are satisfied with the signal strength:
1. Re-connect the lead from the siren to the pcb.
2. Turn the tone volume potentiometer to adjust the volume of non-alarm
tones (see 4 on Figure 2).
3. Fit the INFO module to the case back and secure with the screw (follow
Figure 1 in reverse).