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MCS-102L, MCS-101L,
MCS-104S, MCS-104L, MCS-104XL
Micro Carrier Stirrers
Operator's Manual
Issue 18
Date of issue:
3rd May 2005
Techne is a trade mark
© Techne 2002

Resumen de contenidos para Techne MCS-101L

  • Página 1 MCS-102L, MCS-101L, MCS-104S, MCS-104L, MCS-104XL Micro Carrier Stirrers Operator’s Manual Issue 18 Date of issue: 3rd May 2005 Techne is a trade mark © Techne 2002...
  • Página 3 SAFETY and INSTALATION English Français Deutsch Español INTRODUCTION Description Specification Dimensions Sterilisation of Glassware INSTALLATION Connections Magnet adjustment MCS-101L Other MCS units All units Siliconising Glassware Assembling the Culture Vessel Culture Vessel Parts OPERATION REPLACEMENT PARTS P A G E 1...
  • Página 4 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L P A G E 2...
  • Página 5 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L NOTES P A G E 3...
  • Página 6 HIGH TEMPERATURES ARE DANGEROUS: they can cause serious burns to operators and ignite combustible material. Techne have taken great care in the design of these units to protect operators from hazards, but Operators should pay attention to the following points: •...
  • Página 7 Servicing under this guarantee should be obtained from the supplier. Notwithstanding the description and specification(s) of the units contained in the Operator’s Manual, Techne hereby reserves the right to make such changes as it sees fit to the units or to any component of the units.
  • Página 8 DANGER DE TEMPERATURES ELEVEES : les opérateurs peuvent subir de graves brûlures et les matériaux combustibles risquent de prendre feu. Techne a apporté un soin tout particulier à la conception de ces appareils de façon à assurer une protection maximale des opérateurs, mais il est recommandé aux utilisateurs de porter une attention spéciale aux points suivants :...
  • Página 9 Techne se réserve le droit d’effectuer les changements nécessaires à l’appareil ou à tout élément qui entre dans sa composition. Ce manuel a été exclusivement rédigé à l’attention des clients de Techne, et aucun élément de ce guide d’instructions ne peut être utilisé comme garantie, condition ou représentation concernant la description, commercialisation, adaptation aux conditions d’utilisation ou autre des appareils ou leurs...
  • Página 10 HOHE TEMPERATUREN SIND GEFÄHRLICH: sie können dem Bediener ernsthafte Verletzungen zufügen und brennbare Materialien können sich leicht entzünden. Techne hat bei der Konstruktion dieses Gerätes sehr darauf geachtet, daß der Bediener vor Gefahren geschützt ist. Dennoch sollten Sie auf die folgenden Punkte achten: ·...
  • Página 11 Der unter diese Garantie fallende Service wird vom Lieferanten geleistet. Ungeachtet der in dieser Gebrauchsanweisung enthaltenen Beschreibungen und Spezifikationen, behält sich Techne (Cambridge) Limited hiermit das Recht vor, Änderungen an den Geräten bzw. an einzelnen Geräteteilen durchzuführen. Diese Gebrauchsanleitung wurde ausschließlich dazu erstellt, um Kunden die Handhabung der Techne-Geräte zu erleichtern.
  • Página 12 LAS TEMPERATURAS ELEVADAS SON PELIGROSAS: pueden causarle graves quemaduras y provocar fuego en materiales combustibles. Techne ha puesto gran cuidado en el diseño de estos aparatos para proteger al usuario de cualquier peligro; aún así se deberá prestar atención a los siguientes puntos: •...
  • Página 13 A pesar de la descripción y las especificaciones de los aparatos contenidas en el Manual del Usuario, Techne se reserva por medio de este documento el derecho a efectuar los cambios que estime oportunos tanto en los aparatos como en cualquier componente de los mismos.
  • Página 14 Se si dovesse verificare qualche problema di sicurezza, disconnettere l’apparecchio dalla rete. Installazione 1. Tutti gli apparecchi Techne sono forniti di un cavo di alimentazione. Questo può essere integrato nell’apparecchio o separato. 2. Prima di collegare l’apparecchio alla presa di alimentazione, controllare il voltaggio indicato sulla targhetta.
  • Página 15 Ferme restando la descrizione e le caratteristiche dell’apparecchio contenute nel Manuale d’uso dell’utilizzatore, la Techne si riserva in ogni caso il diritto di effettuare le modifiche che riterrà necessarie all’apparecchio o ai suoi componenti.
  • Página 16 Interval stirring can be used during the attachment phase to further reduce agitation of the culture medium. Accessory An MWB-12L water bath is available for independent temperature control (see separate instruction manual). It can only be used with the MCS-104L or the MCS-101L Stirrers. P A G E 14...
  • Página 17 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L Description A permanent magnet is sealed into the flexibly mounted stirrer. The position of the stirrer bulb is controlled by another magnet in the MCS platform mounted on a pulley wheel.
  • Página 18 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L Specification Speed Range 0 to 80 rev/min Speed Setting Accuracy Better than 3 rev/min SOFTSTART Speed Control...
  • Página 19 We require a certificate of sterilisation from the user before giving such authorisation. A suitable form of certificate is enclosed with the glassware when it is despatched from Techne. P A G E 17...
  • Página 20 MCS-102L, MCS-104L and MCS-104S units have their magnets set for 500 ml vessels when they leave Techne. • MCS-101L units have their magnets set for 5 litre vessels when they leave Techne. • Remove screws from the sides of the unit. Unscrew the location bosses.
  • Página 21 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L MCS-101L • Remove the two screws which holds the location spacer and magnet carrier to the pulley.
  • Página 22 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L All Units • Replace the cover and fit the appropriate location bosses. •...
  • Página 23 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L Assembling the Culture Vessel • Push the grooved end of the stirrer rod into the flexible suspension joint (item 40).
  • Página 24 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L Culture Vessel Parts ITEM PART DESCRIPTION QTY NOTES 125 ml VESSEL, F7988...
  • Página 25 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L ITEM PART DESCRIPTION QTY NOTES 1 LITRE VESSEL, F7608 F7610 FLASK...
  • Página 26 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L ITEM PART DESCRIPTION QTY NOTES 5 LITRE VESSEL (5 NECK), FA296 FA297 FLASK...
  • Página 27 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L OPERATION • Reference must be made to chemical manufacturer's instructions for the preparation of the culture medium and cell culture techniques.
  • Página 28 M i c r o C a r r i e r S t i r r e r O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L REPLACEMENT PARTS The following replacement parts can be obtained from your Techne dealer: Part Number...
  • Página 29 Thank you for reading this data sheet. For pricing or for further information, please contact us at our UK Office, using the details below. UK Office Keison Products, P.O. Box 2124, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3UP, England. Tel: +44 (0)330 088 0560 Fax: +44 (0)1245 808399 Email: [email protected]...

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