D - Temporarily suspend treatments in case of widespread bruising. The hematomas
can generally appear at the beginning of the treatments, they disappear
spontaneously within a few days.
E - Light reddening of the skin during and after the massage may indicate that your skin
microcirculation has been stimulated. The reddening will gradually disappear.
F - In case of significant and / or persistent complaints, stop the treatments.
G - In order to allow the rollers to perform optimally, carry out the treatment on
perfectly clean and dry skin and do not use any creams, oils, etc.
In the case of skin that is easy to bruise or discretion, it may be advisable to use
in conjunction with a body or anti-cellulite cream, so the wringing action will be
weakened. In that case, first spread the cream on the area to be treated and then
use the device as directed.
H - For best results, follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
Cellulite affects 80% of women.
It manifests as visible blemishes, the cause of which may be a deficiency of
microcirculation, an alteration of the subcutaneous tissue, which is rich in adipose
cells that can increase in volume after puberty, with a consequent accumulation of
excess liquids causing the so-called orange peel skin effect.
Blemishes can be more or less evident and affect certain areas more than others,
such as the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
International patent
Tesmed Cellulite is based on the best professional massage technology.
The device has multiple rollers arranged in converging pairs followed immediately
by diverging pairs, set out in such a way that as they slide over the skin in a
certain direction, the converging rollers lift and tighten the part being treated
with a "pinching" and "kneading" effect, while the pairs of divergent rollers
simultaneously stretch the skin.
When moving in the opposite direction, the action of the rollers is reversed.
The repeated action of the converging rollers provides significant benefits in
combating cellulite blemishes as it promotes the expulsion of excess liquids while
applying a potent toning effect.
The repeated action of the diverging rollers stretches the skin, consequently
providing a smoothing action.
The particular shape of Tesmed Cellulite combined with the quantity of its rollers
allows between 80 and 95% of the area requiring treatment to be covered in just one
pass, meaning that effective treatment takes just a few minutes.
Tesmed Cellulite provides a kneading massage effect, while at the same time
stretching the skin. Its articulated mechanical action favors the breaking up of fat
deposits, stimulates skin microcirculation and promotes the dispersion of excess
The shape of Tesmed Cellulite has been designed to suit the majority of thighs and