Dear Customer, thank you for choosing Tesmed Cellulite.
Please read the following information carefully.
Clinically proven to be effective.
Tesmed Cellulite is the only patented pending device that treats the entire
thigh. It takes just a few minutes per day to obtain a rapid and significant
improvement of micro-circulation, extensibility of the skin and overall elasticity,
as well as an evident reduction in the appearance of cellulite and "orange-peel"
skin. An effective reduction in the circumference of the thigh** and a notable
increase in smoothness can be seen after just two weeks.
After just 4 weeks, 87% of users reported an improvement in circulation, 70%
efficiency in improving firmness, and 67% efficiency in reducing the appearance
of cellulite.*
* instrumental and subjective assessment of efficiency on 30 volunteers with cellulite on the thighs and buttocks who
used the product on one thigh for 5/10 minutes per day for a period of 4 weeks - instrumental assessment after 2
and 4 weeks.
Ref. ISPE: 49/21/01 – 66/21
** -1.7 cm. The best result encountered among 30 volunteers
Massage with TESMED CELLULITE is not indicated for:
• patients with malignant tumour pathologies
• people with current cancer or those having had cancer less than 5 years ago
• patients undergoing anticoagulant therapies
• pregnant women
• patients suffering from major cardiovascular diseases
• patients with haematomas, phlebitis, angiomas or varicose veins.
This massager must be intended only for the use for which it was expressly
designed. Any other use is to be considered improper and therefore dangerous. The
manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from improper,
erroneous and unreasonable use.
Massages using the cellulite massager are not a substitute for treatments administered
by doctors .
A - Tesmed Cellulite is not recommended in the presence of fragile capillaries.
B - On sensitive skin, easy bruising skin, and or in the presence of fragile capillaries,
Tesmed Cellulite may cause bruising, and therefore should be used with extreme
caution, avoiding pressure on the skin.
C - It is not necessary to press the rollers too hard on the skin. Do not press too
hard on the skin to avoid bruising, redness and peeling, which may appear at the
beginning of the treatments and then disappear in a few days.