Art. 580 / Art. 581 / Art. 584 / Art. 585
Magma telescopic handles
Art. 580 / Art. 581 / Art. 584 / Art. 585
Magma telescopic handles
Magma telescopic handles are available in two versions: fixed and with swivel head. They were
manufactured with the latest technology, which ensures a good portability, durabilty and easy
The user manual contains important information about safety, the construction, operation,
maintenance and storage. Keep these instructions safe and make sure that they are always
available to other users. Given the constant technological developments, technical and optical
changes can be carried out without notice. The images in this manual are for illustration only and
may differ from the delivered product.
If this product is used for other unapproved purposes, it may cause damage to the equipment
and cause harm to the user. The operator or user assumes full responsibility for any accidents
during use, injury to others or loss of property to others. Stocker Srl is not responsible for
damage caused by unconventional or improper use.