If used as an emergency equipment, this product (= sealed in
lifetime of 10 years. After a max. of 10 years textile parts must be replaced and metal
parts must be inspected by
. The
once a year but in any case before each use (damage, humidity etc.) from a
competent person. If this box is damaged, it must be sent to
Irucase) has a
Irucase has to be inspected at least
for inspection.
3.5 Lifetime and period of use
Conditions of use and other factors may influence its useful life. You may therefore even
have to repair or retire this product earlier (see below).
The shorter the descent height, the more often the rope will run through the descender
device until the device has to be inspected. Short descent heights will therefore wear off
the rope. Wear-off is also induced by other factors such as maintenance, sharp edges,
chemical and mechanical influences etc. After max. 100 descents the rope has to be
changed. Abrasion and usage have to be regularly checked. If the rope does not seem
safe anymore, send the device to
or a authorized person to check and replace the
Information on work according to EN 341:2011 -1A
• work capacity: 7 500 000 Joule
work W = m x g x h x n
W = work in Joule (J)
m = load capacity (weight of the person) (kg)
g = gravity 9.81 m/s²
h = descent height in meter (m)
n = number of descents
Possible influencing factors
• extreme use conditions
• mechanical and chemical damage
• environmental factors
• inappropriate storage and transport
Recommended max. lifting distance
During lifting, descender device and rope are under more stress than during descending.
Frequent use of the lifting function may lead to slip. Normally, this is not dangerous and
you can descend safely to the ground. The maximum lifting distance should however
not be more than 4 times the rope length. Make sure to check rope abrasion accordingly.